Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge



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게시글 검색
  • Applied Electrochemistry Lab - Kim, Jung Gu

    Research keyword: Corrosion, Electro-deposition, Battery, Cathodic protection, Failure analysis

  • Applied Electronic Materials Lab. - Lee, Hoo Jeong

    Research Keyword: TFT / Gas sensor / Packaging / Cu-Cu bonding / Silicides

  • Biological & Nanoscale Materials Lab. - Lee, Jung Heon

    Research keyword: biomaterials, nanobiotechnology, biosensors, tissue engineering materials, biomimetic materials, bioinspired flame-retardant materials

  • Electron Microscopy Research Lab. - Yang, Cheol-Woong

    Research keyword: Electron microscopy (in-situ, environmental techniques, EDS/EELS), materials characterization (interfacial reaction, crystal structure, phase transition, diffusion, microstructure, defect analysis), semiconductor materials and devices (PRAM/ReRAM/BEOL, failure mechanism) low-dimensional materials, machine learning/image processing

  • Electronic Materials Laboratory - Yoon, Dae Ho

    Research keyword: Luminescence Materials (Halide perovskite luminescence materials, Ceramic phosphor plate, Phosphor in glass), Energy Conversion & Storage Materials (Monodispersed and mesoporous nanoparticles (Co3N, Ni2Fe2N, Ni3N+Co3N), Graphene based hybrid materials, Hollow & Core-shell nanocubes, Water splitting (OER, HER, ORR) & Batteries (Li-ion Batteries, Na-ion Batteries, Zn-Air Batteries)), Inkjet printing (highly packed BaTiO3-resin hybrid film for Self-generating flexible piezoelectric device highly packed Al2O3-resin hybrid film for Thermal and dielectric device)

  • Emergent Materials Design Lab. - Lee, Jaichan

    Research keyword: computational materials science, materials informatics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, materials design, nanostructure, 2D materials, 1D materials, defect/doping, energy materials, catalysts

  • Energy Environment Nanomaterial Laboratory (EENL) - Jung, Hyun Suk

    Research keyword: Perovskite Optoelectric device (solar cell, Flexible device, photo image sensor ), Memristor, Nanomaterials, Heavy Metal Removal, Water Purification, Bio-mineral materials.

  • Flexible electronics & display laboratory (FEDL) - Kim, Yong-Hoon

    Research keyword: thin film transistors, metal-oxide based electronics, neuromorphic devices, optoelectronics, wearable/stretchable electronics.

  • Functional Innovative Materials Lab - Baik, Jeong Min

    Research keyword: triboelectric nanogenerator, hybrid generator, water spltting technology, gas sensor, SCR De-NOx catalyst, Antibacterial materials, microbolometers

  • Functional Nanomaterials Lab - Whang, Dongmok

    Research keyword: 2D Nanomaterials, graphene-based sensor, fuel cell materials, membrane, Li ion battery, Li metal battery