- 031-290-7453
- hanseoko@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 3층 21301호실
Flow Control Using Optical Visualization Technique Advanced Electrohydrodynamic System Heat and Mass Control in Mechanical Systems Water Purification Using Plasma or Ultrasonic Waves
- 031-299-4598
- ksyoung@skku.edu
- 반도체관 4층 400414호실
VLSI interconnect and noise modeling and analysis Signal Integrity and Power Integrity(SI and PI) Electromagnetic Interference
- 031-290-7441
- wyjd@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 3층 23342호실
Advanced semiconductor packaging materials & processes. Materials and process technology for AI-based intelligent electronic devices. Core materials for stretchable multi-functional displays and sensors. Two-dimensional materials and functional composite materials.
- 031-299-4849
- moonsoo@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 3층 21313호실
플라즈마 기반 신 열유체공정 개발 광학/음향학 기반 열유체 상태 진단 및 기계학습을 이용한 신호 정량화 열유체 에너지 시스템 최적화 극초음속 램젯 연소기 성능 평가
- 031-290-7469
- jwsuk@skku.edu
- 제1공학관21동 3층 21329호실
Applications of graphene and carbon nanomaterials Polymer nanocomposites based on graphene and carbon nanomaterials Synthesis and manufacturing of low-dimensional materials and devices Measurements of fundamental properties of low-dimensional materials
- 031-290-7148
- khyou@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 4층 23416A호실
Adaptive Optimization / Optimal Control for Nonlinear System Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for PMSM Machine Learning based Seismographical Analysis and Research Geolocation on Wireless Communication Network Optimal and Robust Control
- 부교수
- 이은호
- 031-299-4861
- e.h.lee@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 3층 23314호실
Intelligent manufacturing system AI-assisted design/Design automation E-mobility Multiphysics system design/Computational analysis Semiconductor manufacturing/reliability
- 031-290-7365
- hlee@skku.edu
- 제2공학관25동 2층 25207호실
Oxide semiconductor TFT Stretchable battery Silver nanowire transparent electrode Thermo-electronics Gas sensor
- 031-299-4052
- seonglim@skku.edu
- N센터 6층 86681호실
Optical properties of 2D materials Thermal conductivity of low dimensional materials Photo-thermal properties for IR detections
- 부교수
- 정형모
- 031-299-4862
- hmjeong@skku.edu
- 제1공학관23동 3층 23308호실
소재 설계 및 합성: 저차원 탄소 소재, 나노 및 다공성 입자 에너지 & 환경 시스템 전기화학 소자: (1) 수퍼커페이시터 (2) 이차전지 (3) 차세대 전지 이산화탄소 변환용 전기화학 촉매
- 031-290-7358
- jinho@skku.edu
- 제2공학관25동 2층 25225호실
Nanorods, nanoparticles, and nanostructures Sol-gel process, powder metallurgy, metal working High temperature superconductor wires and tapes