Career of graduates
Accepting full-time professors and researchers in universities and research institutes in Korea and other countries.
Engaging in professional fields related to Koreanology and East Asian studies in the institutes related to domestic and overseas Koreanology and East Asian studies.
Engaging with the domestic institutes that introduce Korean culture to other countries.
Working in the institutes related to overseas Korean culture.
Entering other countries as educational manpower for people who need an understanding of Korean culture when big companies expand to other countries.
Promoting studies that students can attend in overseas universities related to Koreanology and East Asian studies, as well as domestic and overseas sister universities.
Entering National Hyanggyo, culture schools of social organizations, and culture centers in each area as professional lecturers or research agents.
Data to prove newly established demands
The increase in exchange and contact between cultivation are likely to become new internationally trends.
International organizations such as UN and UNESCO set 2002 as the Year of Dialogue among Civilizations and Japan and Iran have also shown this attempt.
Active entry of overseas study markets, international organizations, NGO activity fields is expected.