- To overcome single major-centered and individualized education and tendency of research related to Korean and East Asian Studies, and to establish interdisciplinary and integrated education & research systems.
- To globalize Korean and East Asian Studies through cultivating a one-nation perspective of Korea and global perspectives of all countries at the same time, in teaching and researching Korean and East Asian Studies
At present, education and research related to Korean & East Asian Studies are too segmented according to single majors and are being worked separately. This course, through the realization of interdisciplinary integrated education, nurtures outstanding students able to synthetically recognize Korean & East Asian Studies.
The research of Korean & East Asian Studies in Korea has held fast only to one nation‘s independent view, which is not enough to acquire international universality, and most of researches in western countries have been unstable since emphasizing universality amidst the lack of concreteness and strictness. Thus, the purpose of the department is to create an education & research climate which is capable of bringing specialty and universality together.
Also, through the reinterpretation of Confucianism-centered ‘East Asian view of the world’, the moral solution is arranged and suggested to overcome issues and limits of today’s western material civilization.
Comparative Advantages of East Asian Studies in SKKU
- A rare case in the world to keep its original form as the center of Confucianism study well
- Clear founding philosophy inheriting such tradition
- Accumulating plentiful researchers and excellent research results related to this area
In our school, as a way of our school‘s long-term development plan, the Academy of East Asian Studies (AEAS) has been newly established and operating. It fits with the purpose of this course because of working for the sake of rearing researchers and accumulating research results through the organic combination of research and education function.
Furthermore, AEAS fits with the purpose of this course since it aims at interdisciplinary research and education between related studies. - This academy has workers, space configuration and a library in the integrated single system which can be estimated to have created an infrastructure for the future development of Korean and East Asian Studies.
Specialization Way
- To study Korean and East Asian Studies, focusing on Confucian culture
- To focus on the cultivation of students who will introduce Korean and East Asian Studies abroad
- To emphasize a practical function of study through the combination of Confucian culture/tradition/idea and Social Sciences
- To expect trade-off effect with related departments of graduate school by having researchers in majors which have not enough ones in our school
Considering the trend toward expanding civilization exchange in the cultural century and globalization age, other countries’ interest and demand will increase exponentially in regards to abundant cultural tradition of Korea & East Asia.
Western interest in Eastern culture, especially Confucian culture, will increase in many different fields from politics and economics, to moral culture.
As Korea’s economy increases, foreign companies are more interested in Korean culture and their demand is increasing, and as more Korean companies go abroad, the correct understanding of Korean culture is demanded; and more specialists related to this field are needed.
Especially, a lot of scholars in other countries such as China and America, or regions like Europe, show their interest in our school as we retain Confucian traditions, and this tendency will continue later on.
Also, in the future in Korea, as each related study’s research results are accumulated, interdisciplinary research and study-integrated sight through interchange between related studies will be looked at more closely, and global tendency will also be seem as similar.
SKKU is willing to politically support its Korean and East Asian Studies through the establishment of AEAS, and has a potential energy capable of reaching a world-class level with coupled with a 600-year-old tradition.