검색결과 (‘’에 대하여 전체 41건의 검색결과가 검색되었습니다.)
웹페이지 검색결과 25 records
- SJEAS No Name Publisher Period Language Homepage 1 Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies [SJEAS] Academy of East Asian Studies biannually English 2 Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture [JCPC] Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture biannually English 3 Yugyo munhwa yeon'gu (Confucian Cultural Studies) Institute of Confucian ..
- Research
- Journals
- JCPC No Name Publisher Period Language Homepage 1 Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies [SJEAS] Academy of East Asian Studies biannually English 2 Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture [JCPC] Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture biannually English 3 Yugyo munhwa yeon'gu (Confucian Cultural Studies) Institute of Confucian P..
- Research
- Journals
- Scholarship of IUC Program The Inter-University Center for Korean Language Studies at SKKU (hereafter the IUC or Center) was established as an advanced Korean language training institution for academic researchers, graduate students, and prospective researchers in Korean Studies as well as related professionals. Applicants can apply for a..
- IUC Program
- Scholarship
- Application • Application requirements: Submit the completed application (attached document), CV and the certificate of Korean language proficiency and/or transcript of Korean language courses to both iuckorea@skku.edu & iucskku@gmail.com. • Admissions Decision: Applicants will be notified individually of final results. • After admissi..
- IUC Program
- Application
- Career of graduates Accepting full-time professors and researchers in universities and research institutes in Korea and other countries. Engaging in professional fields related to Koreanology and East Asian studies in the institutes related to domestic and overseas Koreanology and East Asian studies. Engaging with the domestic institutes ..
- Education
- Graduate School of East Asian Studies
- Career of graduates from the department of East Asian studies
교수 검색결과 0 records
- 검색된 결과가 없습니다.
게시판 검색결과 16 records
- IUC Program Highlight(Kor. ver)
- IUC Program Highlight(Kor. ver)
- 2020.01.09
- 동아시아학술원
- IUC Program
- Video
- IUC Program Highlight(Eng. ver)
- IUC Program Highlight(Eng. ver)
- 2020.01.09
- 동아시아학술원
- IUC Program
- Video
- IUC 국내외 전문가 특강<식민지의 민족과 세계: 3.1 운동 전후>
- IUC 국내외 전문가 특강시리즈 <식민지의 민족과 세계: 3.1 운동 전후> by 고려대학교 권보드래교수
- 2020.01.09
- 동아시아학술원
- IUC Program
- Video
- IUC 전문가 특강 <로스앤젤레스 폭동 25주년과 인종 갈등>
- IUC 국내외 전문가 특강시리즈 <로스앤젤레스 폭동 25주년과 인종 갈등> by UC리버사이드 장태한교수
- 2020.01.09
- 동아시아학술원
- IUC Program
- Video
- IUC 전문가 특강<한국 속의 러시아:문화적 영향의 발자취>
- IUC 국내외 전문가 특강시리즈 <한국 속의 러시아: 문화적 영향의 발자취> by 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 라승도교수
- 2020.01.09
- 동아시아학술원
- IUC Program
- Video