[행사/세미나] 글로벌 전문가 초청 세미나 (김중헌 교수@고려대, 1/14(화) 14:00~15:00)
- 인공지능학과
- 조회수848
- 2025-01-07
제목: Quantum Neural Networks: Theory, SW, and Applications
일시: 2025년 1월 14일, 오후 2~3시
장소: 산학협력관 85777호실
연사: 김중헌 교수
- Associate Professor, Korea University, School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea
– Adjunct Professor, Department of Communications Engineering; Department of Semiconductor Engineering; and
– Adjunct Professor, Department of Future Science and Technology Business (Graduate School)
– Director (University ICT Research Center), Net-Zero CAFE (Connectivity and Autonomy for Future Ecosystem) Research Center
– Principal Investigator (SW Star-Lab, Software Technology Advanced Research), Quantum AI Empowered Second-Life Platform Technology
내용: This seminar will focus on the theory, software development, and real-world applications of Quantum Neural Networks (QNN). Highlighting QNN's fast training and high scalability, it explores their integration with reinforcement learning for diverse use cases, including metaverse applications, autonomous systems, and StarCraft II. The session also covers techniques such as quantum split learning and federated learning for privacy-preserving and collaborative training, alongside practical examples utilizing state-of-the-art quantum computing tools like Qiskit. Additionally, the seminar will discuss the future directions of quantum software engineering and the broader potential of QNN in advancing various domains.