SKKU 라이브러리 구축 및 유효물질 기반 신규제어물질 발굴
중점연구분야 내용
1. Bioactive compounds These are low-molecular-weight organic compounds with a molecular weight of less than 1500, derived from natural products or organic synthesis, that exhibit specific physiological activities in the human body.
2. Importance Over the past 40 years, about three-quarters of the drugs approved by the U.S. FDA are low-molecular-weight organic compounds derived from natural products or organic synthesis. While biopharmaceuticals have been gaining attention recently, low-molecular-weight organic compounds still make up a significant portion. Remdesivir, which was granted emergency approval for treating COVID-19, is also a low-molecular-weight organic compound, indicating that these compounds remain an essential source of pharmaceuticals.
3. Scope of research The research involves obtaining compounds/metabolites from natural samples (microorganisms, plants) related to specific diseases and elucidating their chemical structures or through organic synthesis. The therapeutic effects of the obtained compounds/metabolites on diseases are confirmed, and their applicability is evaluated. |
성함 |
소속 |
연락처 |
김충섭 | 약학과 |
김기현 | 약학과 |
이기영 | 약학과 |
이상규 | 약학과 |
이효종 | 약학과 |
현재경 | 약학과 |
이소아 | 약학과 |