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학수번호 교과목명 학점 자기
영역 학위 이수
비고 언어 개설
GBA2003 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3 6 전공 학사 1 Yes
Provides balanced coverage of the mechanics, measurement theory, and economic context of financial accounting. Strikes a balance between a preparer's and a user's orientation, emphasizing that students must understand both how transactions lead to financial statements (preparer's orientation) and how one can infertransactions given a set of financial statements (user's orientation). Relies on current, real-world examples taken from the popular business press. First part of the course introduces students to the financial accounting environment, financial statements, the accounting cycle, and the theoretical framework of accounting measurement. Second part of the course covers the elements of financial statements, emphasizing mechanics, measurement theory, and the economic environment.
GBA2004 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3 6 전공 학사 2 Yes
Concepts and issues associated with the accounting and management of business; particular emphasis is given to understanding the role of accounting in product costing, strategic decisions, costing for quality, cost-justifying investment decisions, and performance evaluation and control of human behavior.
GBA2005 Financial Management 3 6 전공 학사 2 Yes
Topics include the determinants of interest rates and the time value of money; the sources and uses of financial information; the structure, role, and regulation of financial markets; monetary policy; the pricing of risk in financial markets; goals of investors; and how firms manage their financial affairs, including planning, budgeting, and decision making.
GBA2006 Marketing Management 3 6 전공 학사 2 Yes
Examines the marketing concepts, strategic planning, marketing research, and information systems. Covers consumer and organizational buying behavior, forecasting sales, and market segmentation and position. Also focuses on new product development process; product lines and brands; pricing strategies; distribution-channel management; advertising; personal selling; and organizing, evaluating, and controlling marketing.
GBA2007 Operations Management 3 6 전공 학사 3 Yes
The operations function is concerned with the activity associated with the production of goods and services. Provides an overview of operating decisions and practices in both manufacturing- and service-oriented firms. While no attempt is made to cover any particular area in depth, standard terms and concepts required to communicate effectively with operating personnel are introduced.
GBA2008 Strategic Management 3 6 전공 학사 3 Yes
Cross-functional survey of business management. The strategy component is concerned with the roles and tasks of firm’s top managers (i.e., strategic decision makers). Designed to provide an appreciation for the total firm perspective and the means by which firms create and sustain competitive advantage in today’s increasingly challenging and complex business environment (domestic and global). Strategic management of the firm involves diagnosing the firm’s current situation and developing realistic solutions to the strategic and organizational problems that confront top managers. A desired outcome of this course is an enhanced appreciation for the complexities of managing a formal organization. The primary objective is to help develop analytical skills for identifying key strategic issues and formulating appropriate strategies given a firm’s situation.
GBA2010 Intermediate Investments 3 6 전공 학사 3-4 Yes
Part of the finance core.Rigorous treatment of the core concepts of investments for finance majors. Covers portfolio optimization, examines the pricing of equity, fixed income, and derivatives, and analyzes the degree of market efficiency. Makes extensive use of spreadsheet modeling to implement financial models.
GBA2011 Intermediate Corporate Finance 3 6 전공 학사 3 Yes
Part of the finance core. Rigorous treatment of the core concepts of corporate finance for finance majors. Covers capital budgeting, the valuation of firms, and capital structure and payout policies. Makes extensive use of spreadsheet modeling to implement financial models.
GBA2020 Marketing Research 3 6 전공 학사 4 Yes
Focuses on the role of research in marketing decision making. Topics include defining research objectives, syndicated and secondary data sources of marketing information, exploratory research methods, survey research design, experimental design, and data analysis.
GBA2028 Managing Behavior in Organizations 3 6 전공 학사 2 Yes
Integration of behavior and organizational theories. Application of concepts and theories toward improving individual, group, and organizational performance. Builds from a behavioral foundation toward an understanding of managerial processes.
GBA2029 Consumer Behavior 3 6 전공 학사 2 Yes
Description and explanation of consumer behavior in retail markets. Topics include demographic, socioeconomic, psychographic, attitudinal, and group influences on consumer decision making. Applications to promotion, product design, distribution, pricing, and segmentation strategies.
GBA2032 Intermediate Accounting I 3 6 전공 학사 2 Yes
This course provides students with a thorough understanding of the theoretical foundations and mechanics underlying financial reporting. This rigorous course is suitable for students seeking a career in accounting or finance. The course's primary objective is to give students the tools necessary to understand and execute appropriate accounting procedures, with an appreciation of the broader context in which accounting information is produced and utilized. This course also provides an overview of the financial statements and then focuses in more detail on revenue recognition, current assets, long-term assets, and accounting for investments.
GBA2034 Microeconomics 3 6 전공 학사 1 - No
경제학에 대한 입문과정으로서 경제학의 기본 이론과 경제학의 본질에 대해 배우는 교과목이다. 이 과목에서는 주로 경제학의 기본 개념, 수요와 공급에 따른 가격 결정, 생산물의 가격책정 및 생산 영향요인, 일반균형이론, 소득분배 및 경제학의 다양한 면에 대해 다룬다.
GBA2035 IT Management 3 6 전공 학사 1-2 Yes
본 과목은 디지털 시대에 정보기술(Information Technology, IT)이 어떻게 기업들이 직면한 비즈니스 문제를 해결하고, 새로운 비즈니스 기회를 창출 하는지 살펴본다. 정보기술 기반의 기업 시스템 구축, 빅데이터 활용, 인터넷 기반 비즈니스, 정보보안과 같은 최신 정보기술과련 주제를 통해 수강생들에게 다양한 기업과 산업에서 IT가 활용되는지 살펴보고, IT를 통한 효과적이고 효율적인 비즈니스 전략을 수립할 수 있는 능력을 배양하고자 한다.
GBA2036 Quantitative Analysis for Business 3 6 전공 학사 1-2 Yes
수리적 모델은 기업경영에 있어 핵심적인 역할을 하고 있다. 본 수업은 경영학 전공 학생들을 대상으로 설계된 기업경영을 위한 수리적 분석 교과목이다. 본 과목에서 주요하게 다룰 주제는 다음과 같다 - 미적분, 선형대수, 최적화 기법, 그리고 통계적 분석. 본 수업에서는 특히 수리적 분석기법에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 기업경영시 발생하는 다양한 이슈들을 분석하고 해석하는데 중점을 둘 것이다. 이를 통해 수강생들은 기업경영과 관련된 제반 이슈에 대해 수리적 사고를 기반으로 추론하고 해결할 수 있는 능력을 배양함은 물론, 데이터 분석 또는 인공지능 추론 관련 배경 이론을 이해하는데 도움을 줄 수 있다.
GBA2037 Business Statistics 3 6 전공 학사 1-2 Yes
데이터에 기반한 통계 모델은 기업 운영 및 의사결정에 주요한 도구로 사용되고 있다. 본 교과목은 통계 모형의 이해를 위한 필수적 개념 수립 및 응용에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 본 교과목에서 다룰 주요 의제들은 표본이론, 추정, 가설 검정 및 회귀분석 등이 있다.
GBA2038 GBA Freshman Seminar 3 6 전공 학사 1-2 - No
The course consists of three main sections: (1) Research writing in English on current business related topics (2) Group presentation and debate on domestic and global business issues (3) Guest lectures by professors who teach in Global Business department, so that students can have a good idea about the courses that they will take in the department and choose the right track. Students are required to read, summarize, make presentation and perform independent research on various topics.
GBA3006 Derivative Securities and Corporate Risk Management 3 6 전공 학사 4 Yes
Advanced treatment of options, futures, and other derivative securities. Detailed description of the entire spectrum of derivative products. Theoretical and numerical valuation of derivative securities. How corporate risk managers use derivatives to hedge exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, commodity risk, credit risk, etc.
GBA3007 International Finance 3 6 전공 학사 4 Yes
This course introduces business students to fundamentals of international finance. It broadly consists of two parts: (1) International Trade and Investment and (2) Emerging Markets. In the first part, we will learn an essential set of tools for understanding the trades and investments in global financial environment. Specifically, we will examine international monetary system and trades between countries, the balance of payments and its economic impact, and lastly the foreign exchange market and currency rates. We will apply this cumulative knowledge to multinational firms’ currency risk management and international investment decisions. In the second part, we will explore unique and interesting issues faced by firms operating in emerging markets. We will study various types of country risks and political risks and learn how they affect the value of emerging market firms. We will then move on to examine corporate governance issues, in which we look at the impact of ownership structure, large shareholder and media on managerial behavior and firm performance. Lastly, we focus on religion and culture in different emerging markets and examine their relevant impacts on firms’ operation. Overall, this course will help business students with a specialization in finance to understand the challenges and opportunities of firms involved in international trade and investment and firms dealing with governments and investors across different countries.
GBA3008 Banking and Financial Intermediation 3 6 전공 학사 4 Yes
The main topics are (1) the economic role of financial intermediaries, with an emphasis on commercial banks; (2) the evolution of markets in which banks and other financial intermediaries operate; and (3) the regulation of commercial banks and other financial institutions.
GBA3009 Marketing Strategy and Planning 3 6 전공 학사 3 Yes
Focuses on marketing’s role in gaining a sustainable competitive advantage. Topics include competitor analysis, managing competitive interaction, and marketing signaling. Emphasis is on applications through the use of case studies and/or computer game simulation of competitive interaction and the development of a strategic marketing plan.
GBA3013 Advertising and Promotion Management 3 6 전공 학사 4 - No
Basic advertising and sales/promotion concepts. The design, management, and integration of a firm’s promotional strategy. Public policy aspects and the role of advertising in marketing communications in different cultures.
GBA3017 Organizations and Organizational Change 3 6 전공 학사 4 Yes
Analysis and development of organization design and change in order to increase organizational effectiveness.
GBA3024 Channels of Distribution 3 6 전공 학사 4 - No
Marketing channels are analyzed as organized behavioral systems. Focus is on the institutional structures, relationships, and functions of channels of distribution. Franchising, vertical integration, and vertical channel agreements are also emphasized.
GBA3025 Current Topics in Finance 3 6 전공 학사 4 Yes
The course will provide students with an overview of the issues that are discussed in financial markets. The course will provide students with an overview of contemporary financial events as they occur, and the opportunities to go through financial decision making process in financial markets and corporations.Course content varies. Course is offered only occasionally.
GBA3026 Current Topics in Marketing 3 6 전공 학사 4 - No
This course focuses on current topics of relevance to research in the field of marketing. Typically, the emphasis is on covering a narrow topic area in depth, rather than on surveying a broad area. Topics will vary from year to year.Course content varies. Course is offered only occasionally.
GBA3031 Contemporary Entrepreneurship 3 6 전공 학사 4 - No
Survey course designed to enable students to explore the vast opportunities of entrepreneurship. Multidisciplinary approach that examines the macro and microconditions that encourage entrepreneurship. Course objectives are (1) to learn the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, (2) to understand the human side of entrepreneurship, and (3) to encourage entrepreneurial thinking by the student and enable the student to evaluate personal prospects for entrepreneurship.
GBA3034 Business Communication 3 6 전공 학사 2 Yes
This course explores the theory and practice of written and oral communication in business. Students learn strategies for effectively communicating in a variety of business contexts from e-mail to formal written and oral reports.
GBA3035 Integration of Systems and Business Informatics 3 6 전공 학사 3 Yes
Topics to be covered include basic statistical concepts such as descriptive statistics, graphical representations of data, probabilities, probability distributions, and random variables. While investigating sampling distributions, estimation, inference, and basic simple linear regression analysis; many real world examples from various business and economic disciplines will be investigated for better business decisions. Applications and hands-on experiences will be emphasized by using Microsoft Excel program.(Pre-requisite: calculus)
GBA3038 Strategic Customer Management 3 6 전공 학사 4 - No
This course offers an introduction to customer management and services marketing involving values for customers and values from the customer. The main objectives of the course are to: 1) introduce you to the key concepts in services marketing and customer relationship management; 2) develop an understanding of the various factors affecting the customer-firm relationship; 3) explain the theoretical underpinnings of the link among customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and customer profitability; 4) provide the basis for formulating strategies for service quality management and customer relationship management; and 5) provide a framework for analyzing operational decisions made by firms for value creation for customers, as well as for firms