분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

가스크로마토그래프 질량분석기(GC/MS2)

영문명/단축명 Gas chromatograph mass spectrometer / GC/MS2


설치장소 유기분석실 / [81604C]공동기기원실험실
제작사 agilent
도입년도/가격 2021.3월 / 167,178,000원 
담당자/연락처/e-mail 박은영(park Eunyoung) / 031-299-6745 / eypark014@skku.edu


♦ Features


• Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) can be used to separate, identify, and quantify individual chemical components in complex mixtures.

 MS also provides information on the mass of the molecules detected, which makes GC/MS exceptionally effective at identifying unknown compounds in samples.

• GC methods target liquid samples and there are even applications for solids. The fundamental requirement for samples to be analyzed by gas chromatography is the compounds of interest in the sample must volatilize without thermally decomposing.



♦ Specification


• GC, MS(Model: 8890 /5977B(Agilent))

Oven operating temperature: (Ambient temperature+4℃)-450℃

Maximum achievable temperature ramp rate: 120℃/min

Area repeatability: <0.5% RSD

Retention time repeatability: <0.008%

Ion source temperature: 150 – 350 °C

Quadrupole temperature: 106 – 200 °C

Mass range: 1.6–1,050 u

Scan speed: 20,000 u/sec


♦ Application Data


Qualitative analysis

Quantitative analysis