핵자기공명분광기 500 MHz
단축명 | NMR 500 MHz |
모델명 | Unity Inova |
설치장소 | 유기분석실//[81B117]핵자기공명분광실 |
제작사 | Varian Technology |
도입년도/가격 | 199612 / 296,949,356 |
담당자 | 이은정(Lee Eunjeong) 031-299-6748 |
장비용도 | |
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is used to study the structure of molecules, the interaction of various molecules, the kinetics or dynamics of molecules and the composition of mixtures of biological or synthetic solutions or composites. | |
기본사양 | |
1.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance : 1set 1)Unity Inova 500NB High Resolution NMR Console (S/N:S010002) 2)51mm Bore Oxford Superconduction Magnet(S/N:70418) 3)23 Channel Shims Enhanced Shims 4)Variable Temperature Unit 5)Switchablenprobe, 5mm (S/N:P002176) 6)PFG Indirect NMR Probe, 5mm (S/N:P002151) |