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자연과학대학 현황

This page shows some key facts and figures of the College of Science, such as;


  • Number of undergraduate, graduate and international students by degree and department
  • Graduate admission and employment rate
  • Number of faculty members
  • Organization of academic courses
  • Proportion of English-taught classes



Student (As of 2019)

  • Enrolled: the number of students who are attending a semerster
  • Registered: the number of those who are registered as SKKU College of Science students; including the number of students not attending a semster (at a particular time of the semester) due to a leave of absence


By degree
By degree
Degree Enrolled (A) On Leave of Absence (B) Registered (A+B) International
Undergraduate 628 375 1003 12
Graduate 253 23 276 32
Total 881 177 1279 44
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By department
By department
Department Undergraduate Graduate Total
Registered Enrolled Registered Enrolled
Biological Sciences 253 155 52 45 305
Mathematics 309 200 33 27 342
Physics 186 123 71 64 257
Chemistry 255 150 114 111 369
ICPC* 0 0 6 6 6
Total 1003 628 276 253 1279
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ICPC : Interdisciplinary Course of Physics and Chemistry



Graduate Admission & Employment Rate: Undergraduate (As of 2019)

Graduate Admission & Employment Rate: Undergraduate (As of 2017)
Department Graduation Employment Progress to Graduate School Others or Unidentified
Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate
Biological Sciences 51 9 17.6% 25 49.0% 17 33.3%
Mathematics 72 30 41.7% 19 26.4% 23 31.9%
Physics 43 7 16.3% 18 41.9% 18 41.9%
Chemistry 52 14 26.9% 25 48.1% 13 25%
Total 218 60 27.5% 87 39.9% 71 32.6%
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Faculty (As of 2019)

Faculty (As of 2017)
Department Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Total
Biological Sciences 14 1 3 18
Mathematics 14 7 1 22
Physics 17 5 2 24
Chemistry 19 3 2 24
Total 64 16 8 88
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Enrolled Student/ Faculty Ratio (As of 2019)

Enrolled Student/ Faculty Ratio (As of 2017)
Department Faculty (X) Undergraduate Graduate Total
Number (A) Ratio (A/X) Number (B) Ratio (B/X) Number (A+B) Ratio (A+B)/X)
Biological Sciences 18 155 8.6 45 2.5 200 11.1
Mathematics 22 200 9.1 27 1.2 227 10.3
Physics 24 123 5.1 64 2.7 187 7.8
Chemistry 24 150 6.2 111 4.6 261 10.9
Total 88 628 7.1 247 2.8 875 9.9
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Academic Course (As of 2019)

Academic Course (As of 2017)
Department Undergraduate Graduate
Total English-taught Taught by
Total English-taught Taught by
Number Rate Rate Number Rate Rate
Biological Sciences 32 12 37.5% 100% 21 9 42.9% 100%
Mathematics 26 13 50% 92% 14 7 50% 100%
Physics 39 9 23.1% 97% 23 8 34.8% 72%
Chemistry 47 23 48.9% 97% 22 9 40.9% 100%
ICPC 0 0 0% 0% 2 2 100% 100%
College 1 0 0% 82% 0 0 0% 0%
Total 145 57 39.3% 88% 82 35 42.7% 93%
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