- Dean
Eric Shih
- eshih@skku.edu
- 02-740-1501
- Ph.D. : University of California, Irvine
- M.B.A. : University of California, Riverside
- International Hall 90202
Research Interests
Consumer Post-Adoption Behavior
Diffusion of Information Technology
Marketing of Technological Innovations
National Technology Policy
Dr. Shih’s primary research areas are diffusion of technological innovations and marketing manager’s decision making process. He is also a faculty fellow at Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations (CRITO) at University of California, Irvine, where he is jointly working on several research projects funded by National Science Foundation to examine the impact of information technology adoption. He has published his works in such journals as Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Journal of Retailing, and Strategic Management Journal.
At SKK GSB, Dr. Shih teaches courses on Strategic Marketing, Marketing Research, Product Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Marketing Management for the MBA and EMBA programs. Prior to arriving in Korea, Dr. Shih was a faculty member at Wake Forest University (US) and Brock University (Canada).