Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge

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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
CHS7005 Consumer Neuroscience 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master/Doctor Challenge Semester - No
A new market and consumer research methodology, consumer neuroscience method, will be explored in this class. Understanding consumers’ brain responses to brand using eyetracker and functional near infraredspectroscopy experiments is a goal of this study. Eyetracking and fNIRS will provide a new means of measuring brand equity as consumers’ brain responses will reflect their attitude, engagement, and and loyalty.
COV7001 Academic Writing and Research Ethics 1 1 2 Major Master/Doctor SKKU Institute for Convergence Korean Yes
1) Learn the basic structure of academic paper writing, and obtain the ability to compose academic paper writing. 2) Learn the skills to express scientific data in English and to be able to sumit research paper in the international journals. 3) Learn research ethics in conducting science and writing academic papers.
DBC5002 Advanced Skin Immunology 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
Skin in our body is tertiary lymphoid organ. It has a lot of different immue cells such as dendrtic cells, keratinocytes, macrophages and mast cells. These cells are involved in protecting skin area from UN irradation, chemical exposure, and infections with bacteria, virus, and fungi. The main function of these cells is giving skin homeostatic balance from various stressful conditions. In this class, how imune cells participate in protecting skin area and how can understand such protective mechanism will be delivered.
DBC5003 Advanced Immunology 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
immune system in our body can be divided into two different categories, innate immunity and adaptive immunity. When our body is infected with various pathogens, innate immunity inherited from our parents will be activated within hours and days. As soon as innate immunity starts, additiona immune response managed by adaptive immunity is also continued to remove infectious materials. In this class, how these two immune responses are manged and regulated to clear out infectious materials and how can we study such phenomena will be delivered.
DBC5004 Skin Physiology 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
This class is to describe a comprehensive introduction to the structure, physiology, and functions of skin tissue. In addition, the course will concentrate on ehhancing understandings and importance of skin tissue.
DBC5014 Emulsion Science and Engineering 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
Emulsions are mixture of two different liquids with surfactatnt as stabilizer. Experimental toos for generating emulsion and fundamental mechanism behind emulsion stabilization will be covered and then experimetnal methods for controlling emulsion size distriubtion and multiple emulsions will be discussed.
DBC5017 Cosmetic natural product chemistry 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
This class is to describe a comprehensive introduction to the isolations, structural idetifications, synthetic methods of natural products. This course will afford a chance to improve and expand the knowledge and understanding on fundamental research of natural products.
DBC5018 natural product analysis 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
This class is to describe a comprehensive introduction to the idetification of structural properties of natural products with various analytic instruments. This course will afford a chance to improve and expand the knowledge and understanding on the structural characteristics of natural products.
DBC5021 Advanced Biocosmetics 1 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
In the class of Advanced Biocosmetics 1, front-edge technologies in the field of biocosmetics are throughly explored to enhance quality of researches. Novel functional biomaterials, investigations on life phenomena, and other subjects are the focus of this study.
DBC5022 Advanced Biocosmetics 2 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
In the class of Advanced Biocosmetics 2, front-edge technologies in the field of biocosmetics are throughly explored to enhance quality of researches. Novel functional biomaterials, investigations on life phenomena, and other subjects are the focus of this study.
DBC5023 Quality and Safety Management 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
In this class, we will provide information and discuss the process of quality control and safety of cosmetic raw materials.
DBC5024 Cosmetics Law and System 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
In this class, we will systematically study and discuss the laws and related systems related to cosmetics. .
DBC5025 Advanced Formulation Technology 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
This course focuses on the various formulations and formulation techniques that can improve the efficacy, safety and stability of active ingredients, and the efficiency of transdermal delivery. In particular, this class is regarding a systematic study of the formulations applied in the cosmetics industry.
DBC5026 Nanoparticles & Cosmetics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
Powders and nanoparticles are the main components for cosmetics. This course focuses on the systematically study characteristics of powders, nanoparticles, and recent research directions required for various formulation. we will study the novel physical, chemical properties and types of powder, nanoparticles and their role in cosmetics
DBC5027 General Biochemistry 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
This course helps students understand the clinical chemistry field by studying the chemical phenomena of living organisms such as proteins, water, cells, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, and energy metabolism, and the structure and function of DNA and RNA.