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Bio-Mechatronic Engineering

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
BBC2001 Biotechnology And Bioengineering Research1 2 4 Major Bachelor 2-4 Biotechnology and Bioengineering - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
BBC2002 Biotechnology And Bioengineering Research2 2 4 Major Bachelor 2-4 Biotechnology and Bioengineering - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
BBC2003 Biotechnology And Bioengineering Research3 2 4 Major Bachelor 2-4 Biotechnology and Bioengineering - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
BBC2004 Biotechnology And Bioengineering Research4 2 4 Major Bachelor 2-4 Biotechnology and Bioengineering - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
BBC2005 Biotechnology And Bioengineering Research5 2 4 Major Bachelor 2-4 Biotechnology and Bioengineering - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
BBC3001 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Bioengineers 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Biotechnology and Bioengineering - No
With the recent beginning of the 4th Industrial Revolution era, it is essential to nurture talents who can utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in biotechnology at the College of Biotechnology and Bioengineering. After learning the theory of basic optimization and artificial intelligence algorithm, students will practice using programming. Specific contents are aimed at understanding knowledge-based intelligent systems, rule-based expert systems, fuzzy expert systems, artificial neural network systems, evolutionary computational systems, multivariate constraint and nonconstrained optimization techniques, and understanding of various AI algorithms based on optimization techniques. The combination of theory and practice will lead to maximize AI literacy, and students with this knowledge will be able to integrate vast and complex human data into a variety of research fields.
BBC3002 Entrepreneurship Education in Biotechnology and Bioengineering 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Biotechnology and Bioengineering Korean Yes
As biotechnology is attracting attention as a key value promising industry that will lead the future growth while solving human problems such as health, medical, food shortage, energy and environment problems, the global bio-industry has been activated in the 4th industrial era of the 21st century. To this end, all countries and government provide various supports the growth of the bio-industry, including investment in bio-funds, investment in bio-companies, and start-ups. To understand this situation and to help students who prepare for startups after graduation, this curriculum aims to promote bio-ecosystem investment, attract bio-companies, and start bio-companies by analyzing how undergraduate students of college of Biotech and Bioengineering should prepare for startups in the bio-industry and what preparations they should take.
BBC3003 Bio-health Capstone Design 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-4 Biotechnology and Bioengineering Korean Yes
Based on the integration of multi-disciplinary knowledge and theory encompassing various disciplines of biotechnology, students will learn a series of design processes to bring about social and scientific issues or specific needs in the bio-healthcare industry field, and to solve possible solutions. Students will build a team and seek creative problem-solving methods during discussion and presentation throughout the course. Students will eventually develop essential skills such as creative thinking, convergence, innovation, collaboration, communication, digital literacy, and leadership, all of which are necessary for next-generation leader in the bio-healthcare filed.
EBM2001 Statics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Deals with the state of rest of bodies under the action of forces. The study of statics is directed toward the quantitative description of forces that act on engineering structures in equilibrium. Including basic concepts of mechanics, Newton's laws, forces system and its vector analysis, moment and couple, equilibrium conditions, structures, distributed forces, friction, virtual work and area moment of inertia.
EBM2030 Dynamics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Deals with the motion of the bodies under the action of forces. Dynamics has two parts; kinematics, which is the study of motion without reference to the force which cause motion, and kinetics, which relates the action of forces on bodies to their resulting motion. Including basic concepts, kinematics and kinetics of particcles, plane kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies, three dimensional dynamics of rigid bodies and mass moment of inertia. Introducing the fields of bio-mechatronics engineering study, this course intends to help students to establish the effective future study plan.
EBM2031 Computer programming 2 4 Major Bachelor 2-4 Korean Yes
This course covers the theories and applications of programming, and the aim of the course is to develop talented professional software engineers. Students learn the basic programing technique from the concept, grammar, structures and algorithms of C language. Additionally, students develop their advanced programming skills by team project.
EBM2032 Computer programming practice 1 4 Major Bachelor 2-4 Korean Yes
This course covers the theories and applications of programming, and the aim of the course is to develop talented professional software engineers. Students learn the basic programing technique from the concept, grammar, structures and algorithms of C language. Additionally, students develop their advanced programming skills by team project.
EBM2033 Computer programming basics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
Numerical methods using computer programming are absolutely necessary when it is impossible to find the answers to the equations needed to solve various engineering problems analytically or arithmetically. A number of practical numerical analysis methods are discussed in order to achieve this, as well as methods for resolving engineering problems using the MATLAB programming language.
EBM2034 Embedded system design 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 - No
In this course, students learn theories and techniques for configuring microprocessor-based hardware and programming the software that operates it. The architecture and internal structure of the microprocessor is introduced, and the structure and operating principles of the memory system and various input/output devices are explained. Interrupt handling techniques, device drivers, run-time library, firmware, and real-time operation system programming techniques to effectively operate the configured hardware are explained.
EBM2036 Thermofluid mechanics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
The applied thermodynamic is a subject for students that major in bio-mechatronics, bio-medical engineering, mechanical engineering. The contents of this subject lead student to understand first and second laws of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes, and introduction to basic thermodynamic cycles. In addition, through this course, thermodyanmic system applied in the various biomedical apparatus can be learned.