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Academic Programs

Global Business

Location 2nd floor of International Hall
Address 25-2, Sungkyunkwan-Ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Telephone 82-2-760-0034

The Department of Global Business Administration is an innovative undergraduate business program that began as one of the flagship programs at Sungkyunkwan University in 2008 with the vision of producing global business leaders who will lead the world with the Asian value of Su-Gi-Chi-In (修己治人) (Cultivate yourself first before you rule the others).


Vision and Mission

The Global Business Undergraduate Program's mission is to provide the knowledge of business administration combined with liberal arts and sciences, the global perspectives on businesses and international relations, and the opportunities for realizing the furthest reaches of the students' potentials in the global market. We strive to make the mission possible by providing the students a variety of academic roadmaps which are based on the dual degree programs with highly qualified business schools in the world.



This department provides various opportunities to cultivate the virtues for global talents, so that they can grow into world-class business people.


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