Valedictorian Chemistry Ph.D. BAE Hanyong Made a Speech at Commencement 2015 Spring
- 자연과학대학
- Hit4787
- 2015-08-27
Being honored to be selected as a valedictorian of the commencement ceremony 2015 spring, chemistry Ph.D. BAE Hanyong make a speech to the audiences last Thursday. He finished all of his degrees at SKKU Department of Chemistry under the academic and research guidance of professor SONG Choong-eui and has made distinguished achievements in the field of organic chemistry. Being selected as a recipient of the Global Ph.D. Fellowship, which is presumably the biggest government grant scheme for graduate students, is obviously one of those. He also have a couple of patents and got his researches published in the globally-renowned chemistry journals, such as Angewandte Chemie. His next step toward the success is to start his new academic career at Max Planck Institutes in Germany as a post-doctorate researcher.