[Academics] Announcement of application for direct assignment for 2024-2(~8/4)
- 소프트웨어학과
- Hit363
- 2024-07-25
Hello, this is the Computer Science and Engineering department office.
We will pre-assign subject for the fall semester of 2024.
Undergraduate students who want to take the subject, please fill out the application form at the URL below.
- Applicable Person: The first student to take the course among the students who originally majored in Software/CS
(Unable to apply for student who retake course or double-major student)
- Subjects: Algorithms, Introduction to Computer Architectures, Computer Networks
- Application Period: 7.25(THU) ~ 8.4(SUN) 23:55
- Application URL: https://forms.gle/bEg8KwVMDKVFREjW8
[Inquiry] SW Department Office (031-299-4102/computing@skku.edu)