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Sungkyun Economic Research Institute(SERI)

This page shows the Research Institutes belonging to College of Economics


Sungkyun Economic Research Institute(SERI)

Sungkyun Institute of Economic Research(SERI) of SungKyunKwan University (SKKU) is managed by the Faculty of Economics and graduate students to develop research about economic phenomenons.


  • March 1970: Established as an affiliated research institute
  • March 2004: Integration of the Korea Institute for Industrial Studies and the Korea Labor Institute of SKKU into the Sungkyun Institute of Economic Research(SERI)


Aims and Purposes
  • Enhance researcher capabilities and foster the next generation of scholars
  • Conduct comprehensive research in economic theory, empirical analysis, and policy studies, and lead international exchange and cooperation


Background of Establishment
  • Conduct economic surveys and industry-academia collaborative research to promote Korea's economic development
  • Actively utilize university research outcomes to analyze current issues and present future prospects for the Korean economy


Vision and Goals
  • Serve as a research hub for practical studies supporting the sustainable growth of the Korean economy in the 21st century
  • Strengthen specialization and distinctiveness of each research center, and create excellence in research and education by aligning with Sungkyunkwan University's VISION 2030 plan
  • Promote interdisciplinary research in economics and establish Sungkyunkwan University as a global research platform through international joint research and cooperation


Activites at SERI

- The following four seminar series are funded by SERI:

  • Sungkyunkwan University ‘Wednesday Brown Bag Seminar’ 
  • Sungkyunkwan University 'Thursday Regular Seminar' (With BK21 Four Education Research Group of Economics)
  • Global Finance Research Center 'Saturday Seminar'
  • Sungkyunkwan University ‘Graduate Student Research Symposium’


Research Institutes
Phone +82-2-760-1286
Address Room No. 32318B, Dasan Hall of Economics 3F
(03063) 25-2, Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea