Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge



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Research Institutes

In the College of Engineering there are thirteen research centers and nine research institutes. Research at these centers and institutes improves the lives of people across our nation as well as globally.


We are a global leader in delivering research with practical and profound results. We are working on various types of comprehensive and in-depth study and research, with a belief that what we create will become the new beginning.


For more information about each project, see the links below.



Research Centers

Research Centers
BNEFMRC Bio/Nano-Fusion Material Research Center
CAPST Center for Advanced Plasma Surface Research Technology
CDI Creative Design Institute
(☎ +82-31-290-6581)
CBE Center for Built Environment
IST Institute of Science and Technology
(☎ +82-31-290-5263)
IRC Interface Research Center
(☎ +82-31-299-4122)
KCRI Korean Chemical Research Institute-SKKU Joint Research Center
(☎ +82-31-290-7319)
MEPC Micro Electronic Packaging Research Center
(☎ +82-31-290-4332)
NU-SKKU IPN NU-SKKU Joint Institute for Plasma-Nanomaterials
(☎ +82-31-290-5666)
SAI SungKyun Architecture Institute
(☎ +82-2-760-0827)
SFARC Smart Future Appliances Research Center
(☎ +82-31-290-7430)
SMARDI Smart Convergence Design Institute
(☎ +82-31-299-6870)
SSIRC Safety and Structural Integrity Research Center
(☎ +82-31-290-5275)
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Research Institute

Research Institute
Research Center For Advanced Materials Technology
Robotics Engineering Research Center
Center for Quality and Innovation ☎ +82-31-290-5944
Polymer Technology Institute
Institute of Advanced Machinery
and Technology
Zero Emission Center
Construction and Environmental
Research Center
☎ +82-31-299-4125
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