- Prof. Jae-kwang Kim : main Lab.https://mainlab.skku.edu
- Prof. Eun-seok Ryu : MCS Lab.http://mcsl.skku.edu
- Prof. Eun-il Park : Data eXperience Lab.http://dsl.skku.edu
- Prof. Ha-young Oh : Learnging and Mining from Multimodal DAtaset Lab.https://sites.google.com/site/hyoh79
- Prof. Kyung-ho Lee : Motion AI Lab.https://sites.google.com/view/moai-lab
- Prof. Jang-won Lee : Intelligent Interactive Systems Lab.http://i2slab.skku.edu
- Prof. Jin-young Han : Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab.https://sites.google.com/view/datasciencelab
- Prof. Sung-eun Hong : AI & Media Lab.http://aim.skku.edu
- Prof. Jang-Hyun Kim : DSSAL Lab.https://sites.google.com/g.skku.edu/dssal
- Prof. Moo-hong Min : SW Lab.https://swlab.skku.edu/sw/index.do
- Prof. Chun-Su Park : Intelligent Vision Lab.https://www.aipro.ai/lab
- Prof. Hyuk Byun : Trans Media Institue Lab.https://tmi.or.kr
- Prof. Ha-yeon Song : Human-Ai Interaction Lab.https://hailab.skku.edu/hai-lab
- Prof. Hong-uk Woo : CSI-Agent Lab.https://sites.google.com/view/csi-agent-group
- Prof. Dae-ho Lee : DEHUB Lab.https://swb.skku.edu/dehublab/index.do
- Prof. Sung-kil Lee : Computer Graphics Lab.https://cg.skku.edu/slee
- Prof. Eun-seok Lee : SELAB@SKKUhttps://sites.google.com/view/skkuselab
- Prof. Joo-Hyun Lee https://www.linkedin.com/in/ecarus
- Prof. Chang-jun Lee : Culture&Technology Convergence Lab.https://ctcl.netlify.app
- Prof. Byeng-hee Chang : GCC Lab.https://swb.skku.edu/gcclab/index.do
- Prof. Jae-hoon Jeong : Internet of Things Lab.http://iotlab.skku.edu/index.php