Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge

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  • Department of Immersive Media Engineering is a newly established department classified as a 'advanced department' in 2023 and supports scholarships and departments with special support from Sungkyunkwan University.
  • (Max) Full tuition support for all enrolled and enrolled students for 6 years from 2023 (return to scholarship after payment)
  • Assistance for graduate student research according to the laboratory (e.g., up to KRW 3 million/month for a doctoral course) * However, the amount of support varies from lab to lab.
  • Selected personnel (minimum 25% or more) Joint research training at overseas universities (Master's 3 months / Doctor's 6 months or more)
  • In 2023, it has won a project to support the Graduate School of Metabus Convergence by the Ministry of Science and ICT (up to 6 years - a total of 5.5 billion won), providing great benefits to graduate students