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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
EEE2011 Circuit Theory I 3 3 Major Bachelor 2-3 Electronic and Electrical Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
Circuit element, Kirchhoff's law, Ohm's laws. Sine wave altenating current, Instantaneous value, average value, effective value. R-L-C series circuit and parallel circuit. Phasor representation of sine wave AC, impedance and admittance circuit. Two port network, bridge circuit, coupled circuit. Active power, complex power. Constant voltage and current source. Thevenin's and norton's theorem. Polyphase AC curcuit, balanced and unbalanced 3-phase curcuit, method of symmetrical coordinates.
EEE2012 Circuit Theory II 3 3 Major Bachelor 2-3 Electronic and Electrical Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
Nonsinusoidal wave, transient phenomena, laplace transform. Fourier analysis techniques. Admittance parameters, Impedance parameters, Hybrid Admittance parameters. Parameter Conversions. T-π equivalent networks. Two-port networks Sinusoidal frequency analysis, Resonant circiutis. Distributed parameter circuit.
MTH2007 Differential Equations 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Mathematics Korean Yes
Basic theory of elementary differential equation and its application are dealt with : first order ordinary differential equation, constant coefficient linear ordinary differential, high order ordinary differential equation, solution by series(Legendre differential equation, Bessel differential equation), etc.
MTH2016 Matrix Theory 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Mathematics Korean Yes
Main course in Linear Algebra. This course will cover some theoretical aspects of the following topics ; systems of linear equations and matrices, LU-factorization, rank-nullity theorem, matrix representation of linear transformations, change of basis and similarity, inner product spaces, orthogonal matrices and Gram-Schmidt process, least square solution, eigenvectorand matrix diagonalization, Complex vector spaces, Schur's theorem, Jordan canonical forms, Cayley-Hamilton theorem etc.(prerequisite:2005082 Linear Algebra, or permission of Instructor etc.)
NAT2001 NaturalScienceIndependentStudy1 2 4 Major Bachelor 1 Science Korean Yes
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
NAT2002 NaturalScienceIndependentStudy2 2 4 Major Bachelor 1 Science Korean Yes
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
NAT2003 NaturalScienceIndependentStudy3 2 4 Major Bachelor 1 Science Korean Yes
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
NAT2004 NaturalScienceIndependentStudy4 2 4 Major Bachelor 1 Science Korean Yes
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
NAT2005 NaturalScienceIndependentStudy5 2 4 Major Bachelor 1 Science Korean Yes
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works. Most subjects assigned to students are related to the thesis topic for each student, which include literature survey, directed experiments, and data analysis. The aim of the class is to provide various conceptual backgrounds for the research, current problems and research needs, experimental design, and analysis for the results, which may not be offered by regular classes in the undergraduate program.
NAT2006 Natural Sciences and the Humanities 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Science Korean Yes
Natural sciences and the humanities can interact with each other in various ways. For example, although both have different point of view for the Nature, they interact complementarily. The development of the humanities leads the development in natural sciences, and the development in natural sciences leads the development of the humanities and various areas of arts. In this course, students of natural sciences can understand the interaction between natural sciences and the humanities and communicate with each other. Eventually, abilities in the humanities will be enhanced.
NAT2007 Natural Science and Artificial Intelligence 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-3 Science - No
Important topics in the development of artificial intelligence, such as percetron and backprogation learning will be taught in detail. Artificial neural network with hidden layer will be applied to build an AI system that can recognise hand-written images of numbers. Students need to bring their own notebooks and will write their own compter codes in the class hours. Computational neuroscience and functioning of brain will also be explained. AI application in physics will be dealt.
NAT4001 Special Lectures in Biotechnology Start-ups 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Science - No
Invite the CEO or chief technology officer of on-campus/off-campus biotechnology companies founded based on life science/engineering technology, and venture capital investors who invest in biotechnology companies to introduce technology-based startup stories and entrepreneurship, as well as advice to students who want to start a biotechnology company in the future. At the end of the lecture, students formulate and present a plan for starting a virtual biotechnology company.
PHY2001 Classical Mechanics Ⅰ 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Newtonian mechanics, motion of one-body system, motion of a system of particles,rigid bodies, gravitation.
PHY2002 Exercise for Classical Mechanics1 1 2 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This course is designed to strengthen students' ability to solve exercise problems with new concepts learned in Classical Mechanics 1. They will learn mathematical techniques, methodologies of solving physics problems. Students who take Classical Mechanics 1 are strongly recommended to take this course at the same time.
PHY2003 Classical Mechanics Ⅱ 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Moving coordinate systems, mechanics of continuous media, rotation of a rigid body, special theory of relativity.