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Human Resource Development

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
CHS7003 Artificial Intelligence Application 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master/Doctor Challenge Semester - No
Cs231n, an open course at Stanford University, is one of the most popular open courses on image recognition and deep learning. This class uses the MOOC content which is cs231n of Stanford University with a flipped class way.  This class requires basic undergraduate knowledge of mathematics (linear algebra, calculus, probability/statistics) and basic Python-based coding skills. The specific progress and activities of the class are as follows. 1) Listening to On-line Lectures (led by learners) 2) On-line lecture (English) Organize individual notes about what you listen to 3) On-line lecture (English) QnA discussion about what was listened to (learned by the learner) 4) QnA-based Instructor-led Off-line Lecture (Korean) Lecturer 5) Team Supplementary Presentation (Learner-led)   For each topic, learn using the above mentioned steps from 1) to 5). The grades are absolute based on each activity, assignment, midterm exam and final project.   Class contents are as follows. - Introduction Image Classification Loss Function & Optimization (Assignment # 1) - Introduction to Neural Networks - Convolutional Neural Networks (Assignment # 2) - Training Neural Networks - Deep Learning Hardware and Software - CNN Architectures-Recurrent Neural Networks (Assignment # 3) - Detection and Segmentation - Generative Models - Visualizing and Understanding - Deep Reinforcement Learning - Final Project.   This class will cover the deep learning method related to image recognitio
COV7001 Academic Writing and Research Ethics 1 1 2 Major Master/Doctor SKKU Institute for Convergence Korean Yes
1) Learn the basic structure of academic paper writing, and obtain the ability to compose academic paper writing. 2) Learn the skills to express scientific data in English and to be able to sumit research paper in the international journals. 3) Learn research ethics in conducting science and writing academic papers.
EDU5034 Educational Measurement 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Education - No
The purpose of this course is to provide basic concepts and theories of the educational measurement. The principal intended audience is the lower-level graduate students in the field of 'Educational measurement and evaluation'.
GSP5241 Spatial Modeling for Social Science Research 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Public Administration - No
Spatial dependence is prevalent in the society. Geographically proximate individuals, groups, and localities have similar characteristics and behave similarly via spillover effect. Also, the local governments that are closely located often pursue similar policy directions as they are affected by each other. This class aims to explore how to apply spatial dependence in social science research. The class topics include the concept and origin of spatial dependence, global/local spatial analysis, visualization of spatial dependence, and various spatial regression models such as spatial lag, spatial error, geographically weighted regression, and spatial Durbin.
HRD5001 Culture of the Self 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course provides a comprehensive review of social psychological research on the self and offers an integrated framework to study the links between the self, cognition, emotion, and behavior. An emphasis is given on the cross-cultural implications of the existing literature, and the directions for future studies designed to better understand how culture affects the development and maintenance of self in the Korean society.
HRD5005 Comparative Studies on Language and Culture 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Theories and methodologies of human information processing will be applied to communication and instruction. Particularly the diversity within and between cultures will be emphasized. The course will be student-centered seminar course, divided into two parts, seminar on research articles and small team project.
HRD5006 Cognition and Culture 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The course will be centered on understanding the cognitive basis of communication and the cultural differences in communication. In most of the classes, students will discuss research articles on the topic. Application of psychological principles in communication will be encouraged.
HRD5007 Learning and Understanding 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Various aspects of learning will be explored. Specific emphasis will be on finding the ways to improve deep understanding of the material learned. In addition, culture bounded ways of instruction will be emphasized in the course. In most of the classes, students will discuss research articles on the topic. Implementing the cultural differences in cognitive processing on instruction will be encouraged.
HRD5008 Childhood and Culture 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Childhood has been defined in a diverse way according to the society, historical period, and academic area. This course will examine the change of view on childhood from historical perspective and child image reflected in contemporary culture. The focus will be on child image in children's books and issues such as censorship and book selection in Korea and foreign countries.
HRD5009 Stotytelling across Curriculum 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The purpose of this course is to examine how to help children bring their learning to life through art of storytelling. Students will explore and document uses of storytelling as a motivational classroom teaching tool and design interdisciplinary thematic storytelling units. This course focuses on storytelling as a performance art that often incorporates movement, music, mime, puppets, story theater, visual arts, and other media.
HRD5010 Picturebooks and Culture 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The objective of this course is to explore the way in which written texts and visual texts in picture books interact to tell a narrative in a cultural context. The focus will be on the differences and similarities between picture books and other visual art forms in a way of communication and the effects of cultural elements on picture book publishing and the role of children's experience and culture in picture book reading.
HRD5011 Picturebooks and Play 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Modern picture books have developed as an unique art form rather than a sub genre of children's literature. This course will examine the relationships among picture books, imagination and play through literary works. Play elements of picture book reading behavior of child and adult readers will be observed and analyzed. The topics that this course will deal with are play and art, play and imagination, children's play expressed in picture books, child psychology, play elements of picture books and picture book reading.
HRD5012 Media in the Life and Education of Children 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The purpose of this course is to explore the role of mass media in children's lives and education. The focus will be on the way to help children to grow as responsive readers of mass media. The topics include: the change in views on child in past and present; the trend and features of children's use of media in our society; the types and development of media education programs.
HRD5013 Leadership Competency Diagnosis and Development 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course reviews various theories and models in leadership, and studies various methods of diagnosing and developing leadership competencies. In addition, leadership processes will be discussed from cross-cultural perspectives.
HRD5014 Organizational Culture Change 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course studies processes of organizational culture change to adapt and survive in the turbulent external environment. Specifically, this course reviews definitions, models of organizational culture, stages of culture change, company-wide organizational transformation processes, resistance to change, and importance of leadership roles.