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Course & Curriculum

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
CHS2002 Data Science and Social Analytics 1 2 Major Bachelor 1-4 Challenge Semester - No
This course is intended to examine human behaviors and social phenomena through the lens of data science. Students also may learn online data collection and analysis in social media spaces. It deals with both theory and practice, but relative portion may change in each semester without prior notice.
CON3032 Consumer Big Data Analysis 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-4 Consumer Science English Yes
Introduction to machine learning for consumer science. This course covers foundational concepts in machine learning such as overfitting, cross validation, and bias-variance tradeoff, and application of machine learning algorithms to consumer big data analysis.
ERP4001 Creative Group Study 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Yes
This course cultivates and supports research partnerships between our undergraduates and faculty. It offers the chance to work on cutting edge research—whether you join established research projects or pursue your own ideas. Undergraduates participate in each phase of standard research activity: developing research plans, writing proposals, conducting research, analyzing data and presenting research results in oral and written form. Projects can last for an entire semester, and many continue for a year or more. SKKU students use their CGS(Creative Group Study) experiences to become familiar with the faculty, learn about potential majors, and investigate areas of interest. They gain practical skills and knowledge they eventually apply to careers after graduation or as graduate students.
GLD2009 Understanding of Micro Economics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Public Affairs - No
This class teaches economic theories about explaining the market based upon individual behaviors of consuming and producing goods and services. It has been assumed individuals act based on the principle of maximizing their utilities. Under this assumption of the perfect market, very well articulated economic theories are induced. In addition, this course deals with other types of market of oligopoly and monopoly. Students who prepare for the civil service exam or law schools may benefit the most from this course.
GLD2010 Understanding of Macro Economics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Public Affairs - No
This Macro Economics class examines economy of a country as whole. Thus it reviews those factors that can explain economic growth, national gross income, trade, etc, from both monetary and real economy. Students who prepare for the civil service exam or law schools may benefit the most from this course. Students will be familiar with how such variables like gross income, price, invest, interest rate, employment rate are determined and changed. Those who prepare for the civil service examination and law schools are strongly recommended to take.
GLD2011 Understanding of Politics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Public Affairs Korean Yes
This course is an introductory level of political science, teaching various concepts and theories that are the most basic to take advanced coursed of its sub-fields. This class normally covers the areas such as political thoughts theories, political institutions, political process, international relations, even though the subjects amy vary depending upon an instructor. This class will be a foundation for other related disciplines, including public administration, law, economics, business administration, and sociology.
GLD2016 Understanding and Practicing Global Public Management 3 6 Major Bachelor Public Affairs - No
● This class is designed as a broad overview of the critical theoretical/practical issues and trends pertaining to public organizations and their management, with emphasis on applications to “micro” (i.e., inside the organization) and “macro” (i.e., external relations and strategy) organizational issues. ● The course examines important conditions and factors required for effective public organization management. Specifically, various aspects of public organization theory and management research and practices, including 1) organizational environments; 2) public-private distinctions; 3) structure, design, and technology; 4) leadership, culture, and motives; and 5) goals and effectiveness. ● During the course, we will create a learning community through which we explore concepts, methods, and procedures involved in managing public organizations. This course integrates lecture and a variety of active learning techniques into the seminar format, such as case study discussions/in-class exercises.
GLD2022 Introduction to Economics 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 Public Affairs Korean Yes
The Faculty of Global Leadership aims to cultivate outstanding talents in the fields of social science and law. In particular, society demands a systematic understanding of policies and regulations, as well as the ability to analyze the behavior and activities of individuals, companies, and governments from policy, legislative and judicial experts. And in the process of working as an expert, it is more demanded to take an effective and timely response in policy judgment along with economic understanding of social phenomena. To this end, this class introduces a basic analysis of economics as well as a microeconomic analysis method of individual choices and corporate behavior in the market. In addition, through the relationship between the government and the market, it discusses the failure of the market and the government's intervention and social costs. In addition, through the analysis of the monopoly market, the oligopoly market, and the actual cases of its regulation, we understand various social conflicts and issues. In addition, by discussing policy alternatives and judicial coordination measures to solve this problem, it provides various and multifaceted perspectives and approaches to future activities as experts.
GLD2024 Understanding of Economic Policy 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 Public Affairs Korean Yes
This course focuses on helping multi-faceted understanding of economic policy and understanding macroeconomic approaches and microeconomic analysis for this. To this end, this course seeks to understand the basic concepts of macroeconomics and the mechanisms of economic activity at the national level. In this process, it helps to understand the operation of the economic system through microeconomic analysis of individual consumption and savings and corporate investment behavior from a macroeconomic point of view. In addition, it will take time to understand the basic directions of the government's and central bank's fiscal and monetary policies to respond to economic fluctuations, and analyze the economic crisis so far, the responses of each government, and its effects. In addition, by discussing important factors in economic growth and confirming the role of the government for this, it seeks a comprehensive understanding of the micro and macro aspects of economic policy.
GLD3005 Understanding of Public Finance 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Public Affairs Korean Yes
An economic analysis of government policy in market economies, examines efficiency and equity arguments for government intervention, economic theories of government decision making, and empirical evidence on government programs. Discussion of the economics of taxation, public expenditures, fiscal policy, budgeting, eudcation, and social security. Focus on public sector economics, taxation in efficiency and equity, expenditure structure, effects fiscal policy upon economic stability and growth, and evaluation of policy effectiveness.
GLD3008 Understanding of Governance Theory 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Public Affairs - No
Although governance involve contexts where government is not a major actor or is not an actor at all, this course focuses on collaborative governance and public policy networks where government is ultimately held accountable for the satisfactory delivery of public goods and services. The course is designed to ensure that students develop a strong foundation in governance theories & model concepts by focusing on the core competencies required to successfully manage governance situations. A competency-based approach allows students to: 1. Identify the fundamental changes in public administration that have led to greater inter-agency and inter-sectoral collaboration; 2. Understand the differences between managing hierarchies and managing governance. 3. Learn through practice how to apply various theories and models for improving the government workings.
GLD3010 Global Governance and International Organization 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-4 Public Affairs - No
This course aims at helping students understand how global problems and issues are discussed, managed, and resolved. In doing so, students are expected to nurture themselves as future leaders in the globalized world. The former part of this course will study theoretical issues of global governance in terms of actors, institutions, and norms. Existing official inter-governmental organizations (such as United Nations, regimes, ad-hoc cooperative mechanism) and rising non-governmental organizations in global governance will be covered. The latter part of the course will explore cases of global governance in security, trade, environment, human rights, etc.
GLD3023 Issues of Modern Public Administration 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Public Affairs Korean Yes
Today's social problems are becoming more complex and uncertain, and are diversifying according to the values and interests of the stakeholders. This is an inevitable aspect in the process of democratization, diversification, information and networking society. Along with these technological and social changes, Korean society is facing difficulties such as aging, low birthrate, polarization and low growth. In such an environment, a pattern in which public problems, which had been simple in the past, change into social dilemma and wicked problems is evident. Let's look at some recent social issues. Problems that are not easily solved, such as the introduction of a new service called ‘Tada’, the reorganization of the university admission system, the introduction of remote medical treatment, and the response to the Corona-19 outbreak are continuously emerging. Theories, frameworks, models, and concepts learned in the reserach and practice of public administration provide 'lenses', 'viewpoints', and 'means' in understanding and explaining social issues that can be called public problems, and suggesting effective solutions. In this respect, we are students who want to understand social and public phenomena in this course, and we also suppose to be public officials who are in charge of addressing the problems. In each class, the instructor presents the most recent major social problems and issues, and considers and discusses how to interpret and solve them through theoretical
GLD3024 Economic Case Analysis 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Public Affairs Korean Yes
This course focuses on analyzing various economic cases in terms of microeconomics and macroeconomics and practicing how to describe them in practice. In the case of microeconomics, the understanding is maximized by analyzing the derivation of the optimal choice of individuals and companies through concrete cases and describing them in practice. In terms of macroeconomics, it analyzes the situation facing the national economy and its causes, and predicts the optimal policy response and combination for this. In addition, the factors of the success and failure of the policy are additionally analyzed by assuming the situation in which the effect of the policy occurs as expected and the case where it is not. Above all, by practicing the method of analyzing and describing economic conditions in a given and limited time and situation, you will develop active and timely response skills as an expert afterwards.
GSP4001 Policy Science: Theory & Korean Smart Policy Framework 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Public Administration English Yes
As the 21st century unfolds, we are living in a chaotic and turbulent society. Speed of thought becomes very important as information and knowledge is the most critical factor of national competitiveness. To achieve national competitiveness, thereby building a great and strong nation, effective policymaking is crucial to achieve government innovation and national transformation. How these kinds of enormous change and innovation, swirling from the high-technological environmental changes such as the SMART revolution and the INDUSTRIAL revolution, will impact the academic discipline of policy science, effective policy-making specifically? What should be the new theoretical principle and philosophy of policy science to break-away the so-called criticism of the ‘impoverished professionalism’ facing the science of public administration? And how could we then academically link the theoretical principles of the knowledge-created Smart e-Government with the traditional Policy Science? This lecture concentrates on the attempt to answer these kinds of academic as well as practical questions, searching for a new paradigm of the policy framework to presenting the most appropriate strategy facing the developing countries in this 21st century.