Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge



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Research Projects


To raise creative human resources by supporting M.A / Ph. D., and to support inventive creation of knowledge and technology

Research Projects - BK21+
Academic Department Theme of Project
Journalism and Mass Communication Project for training global communicators, creatively managing conflict
Public Administration Project for educating public officers / looking at the government with empathic understanding
Social Welfare Reasearch team who can actively respond to potential social threats
Psychology Project for raising future-oriented human resources with emphaic understanding
Sociology Project for training investigative research/ structure socially integrated basis
Consumer and Family Science Project for practicing Bigdata professionals to analyze consumers’ behaviour


SSK (Social Science Korea)

To strengthen academic abilities in the field of social science through systematic support for world-class social science research groups, and next-generation human resources

Research project - SSK (Social Science Korea)
Year Director Host Department Research Fund (KRW)
2010 Dongseong Gong Graduate School of Governance 309,539,000
2010 Sookjong Lee Graduate School of Governance 154,769,000
2011 Haeryong Song Journalism and Mass Communication 303,600,000
2013 Jaeeun Chung Consumer and Family Science 132,273,000