Information on Faculty Appointment

Tenure Track Faculty

Information on Faculty Appointment

Tenure Track Faculty

Tenure Track Faculty

Tenure Tarch Faculty

Tenure Tarch Faculty

Tenure Tarch Faculty
  Assistant Professor (1 Type) Assistant Professor (2 Type) Assistant Professor Tenured Associate Professor Full Professor
Promotion Period Assistant Professor (1 Type) to Assistant Professor (2 Type) : 6 year,Assistant Professor (2 Type) : 4 year 4 year(3 times) 4 year (after tenured) Tenure
직급별 최대 근무연한
Maximum Number of Years for the Same Status 8 years 4 years Tenure
Reappoint- ment
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  • Prerequisites
    • Reappointment refers to hiring the faculty member at the same band. To be rehired, the faculty member has to meet the three requirements.
  • Reappointment Period
    • Reappointment is done on 1 Mar. or 1 Sep. of each calendar year.
  • Reappointment Duration
    • Assistant professor are given four years and conditions shall be stipulated in written contract form.
  • Maximum Number of Years for the Same Status
    • Maximum number of years a faculty member can serve in the same band is limited as per the following. Therefore, a faculty member who fails to achieve promotion will be retired on the last day of the contract expiration.
  • Research Requirement Standards for Reappointment
    • Research requirement for rehires is calculated based on the average number of years served.


  • Prerequisites
    • Promotion refers to obtaining higher title and requires the following three prerequisites.
  • Promotion Period
    • Promotions will take place on 1 Mar. or 1 Sep. of each calendar year.
  • Duration of Service for Promotion
    • Duration of service for promotion is less than 4 years for "associate professor" "assistant professor" and will be contracted in writing. For "professors", the duration will be until "retirement."
  • Minimum Number of Years for Promotion
    • Promotion will be limited to those who have served the following minimum years of service.


  • Prerequisites
    • Tenureship can be tried 3 times for 4 years during Associate professor.