All about club of SKKU Global Economics
GEBA(Global Economics Basketball Alcohol)
GEBA, a basketball club of Global Economics, gathers on the court every Monday to form a social gathering through basketball and after party. Anyone can enjoy basketball regardless of basketball skills.

GECO, a soccer club of Global Economics, is the only club where you can work out every week with friends and seniors in our department. From this year, you can play football even more enjoyable by using artificial turf.

GE:READY ACTION is a film club of Global Economics. Anyone can come who likes movie! It is much fun watching films in full size of classroom screen. Let’s get together on every Thursday at six.

BOARD:CA is a café club of Global Economics for all interested in board game café and café tour. We welcome everyone looking for friends to go with to board game café and hidden pretty café. You can get the best picture or just do your own things at café. BOARD:CA is a club where you can participate feely, so please come in without too much burden.

SELAH, a prayer group of Global Economics, has been going on for 12 years since the establishment of Global Economics. Welcome anyone who is interested in Christianity or concerned about college life, even if you have no experience in church. Club activity time is an hour a week, so feel free to come.

ALIMI, the official ambassador for Global Economics, has a role on internal and external publicity of our department. We will recruit people who are interested in or want to develop skills in presentations or promotions, people who want to make friends in various departments, and those who want to help test-takers based on own experiences.