① 연구실명 : 첨단 바이오의약품 전달 연구실/ (Advanced Biologics Delivery (ABD) Laboratory)
② 지도교수명 : 박우람 교수(Prof. Park, Wooram)
③ 연구실 소개
저희 연구팀은 융합 생명공학 지식에 기반한 다학제적인 연구를 통해서 질병으로 고통받고 있는 이들을 돕기 위한 첨단 바이오의약품 전달 기술들을 개발하고 있습니다. 의생명 분야에서 풀기 어려운 문제들을 탐색하고, 생명공학, 재료공학, 화학공학, 면역학과 같은 다학제적 연구분야의 지식을 활용하여 그 한계들을 극복할 수 있는 첨단기술들을 개발하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. / We are developing advanced biologics delivery technologies to help those suffering from diseases through multidisciplinary research based on integrative biotechnology knowledge. We are mainly focusing on exploring the challenges in the biomedical fields that are difficult to solve and trying to develop advanced technologies to overcome the current limitations by utilizing the knowledge from multidisciplinary research fields such as Biotechnology, Material Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Immunology.
④ 연구분야
바이오의약품 전달/Biologics Delivery
⑤ 대표연구 실적
■ (2022) Image-Guided In Situ Cancer Vaccination with Combination of Multi-Functional Nano-Adjuvant and an Irreversible Electroporation Technique. BIOMATERIALS. 289
■ (2022) Reactive Oxygen Species Responsive Cleavable Hierarchical Metallic Supra-Nanostructure. SMALL. 1, 1
■ (2022) Flexible 3D Nanonetworked Silica Film as a Polymer-Free Drug-Eluting Stent Platform to Effectively Suppress Tissue Hyperplasia in Rat Esophagus. ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS. 11, 14
■ (2022) Combination of Metal-Phenolic Network-Based Immunoactive Nanoparticles and Bipolar Irreversible Electroporation for Effective Cancer Immunotherapy. SMALL. 18, 25"
⑥ 대표전화 : 031-299-4851
⑦ 위치 : 생명공학관 62동 3층 62351A 및 62351B