SKK GSB에서는 커리어 특화된 4개의 트랙(AI & Business Analytics, Finance, Marketing) 중에서 선택하여 그에 맞는 선택과목들을 수강함으로써 여러분의 MBA 경험을 자유롭게 맞춤 설계할 수 있습니다.
SKK GSB의 MBA 트랙을 선택함으로써 여러분은 미래의 고용주에게 특정 분야에 대한 심층 지식과 이와 관련된 애널리틱스 툴을 활용한 분석 기술을 겸비한 핵심 인재임을 시사할 수 있습니다. 트랙 이수 과정은 자유 선택 사항이며, 학위 요구 사항은 아닙니다.학생들은 원한다면 두 개의 트랙을 동시 이수할 수 있습니다.
비즈니스 분야에서 데이터 분석 및 애널리틱스 관리자에 대한 수요가 급증하고 있습니다. 디지털 및 데이터 혁명의 최전선에 있는 SKK GSB는 이러한 수요에 맞춰 Full-Time MBA 프로그램에서 AI & Business Analytics Track을 제공합니다.
AI & Business Analytics Track의 학생들은 핵심 비즈니스와 실무를 배울 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 분석 중심 프로젝트를 개념화, 구현 및 주도하는 방법에 대해서도 교육을 받습니다. 이 트랙은 MBA 졸업생들이 빅데이터 및 비즈니스 분석과 관련된 직종에 대해서도 경쟁력을 확보하여 마케팅, 금융 및 전략관리 등 다양한 분야의 핵심인재로 진출할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.
Choose Your Course
AI & Business Analytics Track을 통해, 여러분의 관심사에 맞는 과목을 선택하여 MBA 교육과정을 맞춤 설계하십시오. 다음은 AI & Business Analytics Track에 해당하는 과목들의 예입니다.
Programming for Analytics
The course introduces basic programming concepts and techniques for data analytics using Python. By the end of this course, students will develop proficient programming skills using the core data science Python library to clean, manipulate and analyze data to solve a broad set of business analytics problems.
Database Management 
As corporate data is growing exponentially, understanding the foundations of how to manage and work with large databases is an essential starting point of business analytics. This course will provide you with a solid understanding of relational databases in real-world applications. You will learn the fundamentals of Database Management Systems and SQL basics for data science.
Business Intelligence and Data Visualization 
Business intelligence (BI) comprises the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis of business information. Data visualization helps companies to analyze its different processes so the management can focus on the areas for improvement to generate more revenue and improve productivity. The class is designed in a format of flipped classroom which enable students to master how to frame a BI business question, and how to develop the BI solution prototype.
Business Forecasting 
This class teaches fundamental models for business data analysis and forecasting. The first half of the class teaches interpretable linear analysis using least squares, the second half teaches classical forecasting models alongside Facebook Prophet. Students can complete the class using Excel, but are encouraged to learn and use Python.
AI & Machine Learning
Different "real-world" business problem will be solved using key machine learning methods. The data science solutions include specific machine learning methodologies and algorithms such as artificial neural networks, clustering, decision trees, and natural language processing. However, the course does not presume a sophisticated mathematical background. In general, the course is designed to minimize mathematics and tries to be as conceptual as possible. On the other hand, this course's goal is not to give a high-level overview but to significantly understand data science. To achieve this, you will learn how the statistical methodologies and algorithms work exactly using examples and Python programming.
Finance Analytics 
Quantitative models based on statistical foundations and programming skills are vital ingredients to process information accurately and promptly. This course uses R programming to collect and analyze the data, optimize the investment portfolio, and trade securities. The course is well suited for a wide range of audiences. If you want to know how to program using R, you will learn that with the investment examples. If you're going to have extensive quantitative skills in the investment field, this course can be the first step. If you want to use data analysis for your future personal investment, this course will give you enough tools to start.
Marketing Analytics 
Customers' digital footprints have become a significant asset for marketers seeking to gain a competitive edge. We will concentrate on how to use cutting-edge data analysis tools, how to communicate the findings, and how to develop insights and enhance marketing decision-making throughout the course. The course will focus conceptual knowledge as well as hands-on experience with data analysis in the R/Python programming language.
People analytics 
The goal of this course is to furnish you with the necessary knowledge and skills to be proficient people analysts. The skills that you will acquire at the end of this course will help you hire the right candidate for your company, measure the work performance of your employees accurately, and motivate and manage people in your company using data-driven, evidence-based approaches.
Digital & Social Media Analytics 
With the increase in the number of users online, the data generated has increased many folds, bringing in the massive scope for gaining insights into the untapped gold mine, the digital and social media data. Despite the availability of this 'Big Data,' it is challenging to extract insights as the data is mostly unstructured, requiring sophisticated tools to download data, clean, and analyze it. Digital and Social Media Analytics course will provide you with a detailed step-by-step guide to access and analyze data using Python. With this course's successful competition, you get ready to embark on your journey as an independent social media analyst.
Track Curriculum (변경가능)
Track Curriculum
학기 |
모듈 |
필수과목 |
선택과목 |
Year 1
(Spring) |
MP1/MP2 |
· Programming for Analytics* |
IW2 |
MP4 |
· Data Management(SQL)
· Marketing Analytics |
· Finance Analytics
· Corporate Strategy in a Digital Age
· Management Science and Decision
Analytics |
IW3 |
· Crypto-economics and Blockchain
Technologies |
Year 2
(Fall) |
MP5 |
· Business Forecasting
· AI and Machine Learning for Business |
· Digital Marketing |
IW6 |
MP6 |
· Business Intelligence and Data Visualization |
· Digital and Social Media Analytics |