- W-BLP(Weekend Business Leader Program: 周末制项目)适合拥有5年以上工作经验者,教育课程是以提高在职人员的专业性、权威性而为目的,开设具有较高实用性的实务教育和项目。 W-BLP过程
- 区分
- 周末制项目(part-time)
- 学制
- 2年(4个学期)
- 毕业学分要求
- 42学分(含满足国际语18学分)
- 授课语言
- 中文,英文
- 授课时间
- 周五:晚上 / 周六和周日:整天
- 招募对象
- 对学业和现职并行有意者
- 中国合作大学派遣
- 选择
- 学费/1个学期
- 1,200万韩元(※另付入学费)
- 开学时间
- 3月份 / 9月份
满足中国大学院的学位授予(毕业)条件时,授予 ‘中国学硕士/Master of Chinese Studies’。
- W-BLP(周末制项目)没有细分专业,开设‘中国经营’专业(单一专业)。
项目 | 细分专业 | 学位名 | 备注 | |
中文 | 英文 | |||
W-BLP(周末制项目) | 中国经营 | 中国学硕士(中国经营) | Master of Chinese Studies in Management | 单一专业 |
- W-BLP(Weekend Business Leader Program: 周末制项目)适合拥有5年以上工作经验者,教育课程是以提高在职人员的专业性、权威性而为目的,开设具有较高实用性的实务教育和项目。
분야 | 학수번호 | 한글명 | 英文名 |
마케팅 | GSC5220 | 중국빅데이터분석 |
China Big data Analytics |
GSC5224 |
중국빅데이터마케팅 | Big Data Marketing in China | |
GSC5229 | 중국소비자마케팅 | Politics and Economy in China | |
GSC5131 | 중국마케팅전략 | China Marketing Strategy | |
GSC5237 | 중국마케팅조사 | China Marketing Research | |
GSC5242 | 글로벌마케팅최신이슈 | Current topics in Global Marketing | |
금융 | GSC5194 | 중국금융기관경영 | Financial Institution Management in China |
GSC5205 | 중국투자전략 | China Investment Strategy | |
GSC5226 | 중국회계실무 | China Accounting Practice | |
GSC5228 | 중국증권거래실무 | China Stock Market Investment | |
GSC5252 | 중국디지털금융 | China Digital Finance | |
GSC5245 | 글로벌재무최신이슈 | Current topics in Global Finance | |
GSC5196 | 중국기업재무관리실무 | Corporate Strategy in China | |
창업·전략 | GSC5197 | 중국기업전략 | China International Management Practice |
GSC5199 | 중국비즈니스이노베이션 | China Business Innovation | |
GSC5215 | 중국기업국제경영실무 | China International Management Practice | |
GSC5243 | 글로벌매니지먼트최신이슈 | Current topics in Global Management | |
GSC5171 | 중국혁신경영 | Innovation Management in China | |
GSC5240 | 중국기업전략경영 | Chinese Corporate Strategic Management | |
GSC5248 | 중국조직행동론 | Chinese Organizational Behavior | |
공통 | GSC5170 | 중국경제법실무 | China Economic Law Practice |
GSC5202 | 중국최신이슈세미나 | Seminar on Current Issues in China | |
GSC5207 | 중국정치와경제 | Politics and Economy in China | |
GSC5257 | 중국협상전략실무 | Chinese Negotiation Strategy Practice | |
GSC5217 | 중국역사와문화 | History and Culture in China | |
GSC5221 | 중국현지법인운영실무 | China Entity Operation Practice | |
GSC5203 | 중국현지조사연구 | Onsite China Research | |
GSC5255 | 중국지식재산권관리실습 | Chinese Intellectual Property Management Practice |