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  • 부교수 비교정치, 정치경제
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비교정치, 정치경제, 정치행태, 사회경제적 불평등


  • 인디애나 대학교 정치학 박사 (2017)
  • 고려대학교 중어중문학/정치외교 학사 (2010)


  • 성균관대학교 정치외교학과 부교수 (2024-현재)
  • 성균관대학교 정치외교학과 조교수 (2022-2024)
  • 유타주립대학교 정치학과 조교수 (2017-2021)

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  We see symbols but not saviors: Women's representation and the political attitudes of working-class women.  POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY.  45,  4
  • (2024)  Fueling conspiracy beliefs: Political conservatism and the backlash against COVID-19 containment policies.  GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICY ADMINISTRATION AND INSTITUTIONS.  37,  3
  • (2024)  Double penalty? How candidate class and gender influence voter evaluations.  RESEARCH & POLITICS.  11,  1
  • (2024)  Did low-income essential workers during COVID-19 increase public support for redistribution?.  POLICY AND POLITICS.  .,  .
  • (2023)  Generosity during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of collective narcissism.  SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH.  114,  .
  • (2022)  Why Do Young Men Oppose Gender Quotas? Group Threat and Backlash to Legislative Gender Quotas.  LEGISLATIVE STUDIES QUARTERLY.  47,  4
  • (2022)  Electoral Systems and the Substantive Representation of Marginalized Groups: Evidence from Women's Issue Bills in South Korea.  POLITICAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY.  75,  4
  • (2022)  Deservingness Heuristics and Policy Attitudes toward the Elderly in an Aging Society: Evidence from Japan.  POLITICAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY.  75,  3
  • (2022)  How partisan politics influence government policies in response to ageing populations.  POLICY AND POLITICS.  50,  2
  • (2020)  Women Leaders and Policy Compliance during a Public Health Crisis.  POLITICS & GENDER.  16,  .
  • (2019)  What Money Can Buy: Perceived Economic Security in China.  JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY CHINA.  28,  118
  • (2018)  Economic Competitiveness and Social Policy in Open Economies.  INTERNATIONAL INTERACTIONS.  44,  3
  • (2018)  Types of labor market policy and the electoral behavior of insecure workers.  ELECTORAL STUDIES.  55,  .
  • (2017)  Do higher government wages induce less corruption? Cross-country panel evidence.  JOURNAL OF POLICY MODELING.  39,  5
  • (2016)  Taking cues on multidimensional issues: the case of attitudes toward immigration.  WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS.  39,  4


  • (2020)  Democracy Under Siege? Parties, Voters, and Elections After the Great Recession.  Oxford University Press.  공동


  • Katherine C. Greenough Award for the Best Dissertation, Indiana University (2017)
  • Centennial Center Research Grant, American Political Science Association (2020)
  • Small Research Grant, American Political Science Association (2021)
  • Top cited article in Legislative Studies Quarterly (2022-2023) (논문: Why Do Young Men Oppose Gender Quotas? Group Threat and Backlash to Legislative Gender Quotas: Evidence from South Korea)
  • 성균학술연구지원 사업 (2023-2024)
  • 한국연구재단 일반공동연구지원사업 (2023-2025)
  • 한국연구재단 신진연구자지원사업 (2024-2026)