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웹페이지 검색결과 9 records

The Department of History offers an “Integrated Curriculum of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree.” This curriculum enables students to complete connected courses for a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. Students can choose one of the two tracks depending on the graduation types of the bachelor’s course: early graduation track and..
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  • Integrated Curriculum of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees
Department Introduction The Department of History is one of the oldest and most respected academic units of Sungkyunkwan University, which has functioned as a major institution for education and research in Korea since its establishment in 1398. The Department of History seeks to develop undergraduate students’ abilities to learn from hi..
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* Sungkyunkwan University (Humanities and Social Sciences Campus) Toegye Hall of Humanities, Room 31710 25-2 Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongno-gu Seoul 03063 South Korea * +82-2-760-0301 <>
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With the goal of encouraging talented undergraduate students to apply for the graduate school, the Department of History introduced the “Pre-Graduate School Advising Program” in 2006. Those undergraduate students are assigned with tutors who will teach the basic skills necessary for graduate students of history and work with their stude..
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  • Pre-Graduate School Advising Program
Scholarship in the Graduate School Shimsan Scholarship * Recommended by the Department for an outstanding graduate student who has a strong research motive * Humanities, arts, and sports-related departments have to spend over thirty percent of the allocated funding as a responsive fund; this is over seventy percent for science and enginee..
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