- 부교수 AI/ML
- 우홍욱
- 031-290-7966
- hwoo@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 5층 85560호실
Reinforcement Learning, Embodied Agent, System Intelligence
- 031-290-7104
- jy.bak@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27306호실
인공지능, 기계학습, 자연어처리
- 031-290-7103
- hogunpark@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27310A호실
Machine Learning, Explainable AI(XAI), Knowledge Discovery, Relational learning, Natural Language Processing(NLP), Graph Mining
- 031-290-7106
- jmjo@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27326호실
데이터 사이언스, 정보 시각화, 인간-인공지능 상호작용
- 031-290-7660
- hankook.lee@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 5층 85558호실
Machine Learning, Deep Learning Representation Learning, Self-supervised Learning Transfer Learning, Few-Shot Learning, Continual Learning Computer Vision, Molecular Graphs, Time-series Modeling, Tabular Data Efficient Neural Network Architectures
- 031-299-4957
- pauljeong@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 4층 85468호실
Cyber-Physical Systems Vehicular Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Mobile Computing
- 031-290-7691
- jinkyu.lee@skku.edu
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27322B호실
1. Real-Time Scheduling and Systems: Timing guarantees for safety- and mission-critical systems └ ML for RT & RT for ML: Machine learning for real-time systems, and timing guarnatee for machine learning 2. Software Defined Batteries: Improvement of battery performance through computer science/engineering principles 3. Mobile Computing and Systems: Facilitating new functions for mobile devices without additional hardware
- 031-299-4953
- euiseong@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 5층 85564호실
Power-aware System Software Cloud Computing Virtualization Embedded Systems
- 031-290-7135
- leees@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 4층 85466호실
Software Engineering Technologies: Software Testing and Multi-Fault Localization(SFL based/ IR based, etc) Test Optimization(Test case reconfiguration and prioritization) Auto-Patch Generation and Code Auto-Fixing Interactive Bug Reporting System Self-adaptive Software Technologies Adaptization Techniques for Legacy Software
- 부교수 Software
- 우사이먼성일
- 2022 SKKU Fellowship
- swoo@g.skku.edu
- N센터 4층 86407호실
이상징후탐지, 데이터 마이닝/기계학습 응용, 보안, 프라이버시, 인간과컴퓨터상호작용, 인공위성시스템, 융합
- 031-299-4597
- dongmoon.min@skku.edu
- 산학협력센터 4층 85487호실
극저온/양자 컴퓨터 시스템, CPU/서버/데이터센터 설계, 시스템 모델링 및 시뮬레이션, 차세대 컴퓨터 시스템