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- 명예교수 대수학
- 김미경
- mkkim@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31309호실
My main interests lie in commutative algebra. The basic object I study is a commutative Noetherian ring R. I have worked on concern the structure of various algebras associated with an ideal (especially the Rees algebra, R[It], and the associated graded ring), Cohen-Macaulay rings, Gorenstein rings, regular rings, and the integral closure of ideals.
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Topics in Financial Mathematics like Credir Risk Analysis and Pricing of financial market instruments are mainly included in my research interests and applications of stochastic analysis to Bio-science are also important parts of my research field. The development of numerical methods and algorithms to improve accuracy and speed of convergence established theoretically in the procedure of research investigation can be added for opulent and fruitful study results.
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- 명예교수
- 김용태
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- 명예교수 해석학
- 김인숙
My research interests are nonlinear eigenvalue problems including bifurcation theory, applications to elliptic boundary value problems involving the p-Laplacian in a bounded or unbounded domain. Recently we are concerned with semi-linear equations with symmetric or non-symmetric linear part, where the method is to use the degree theory for appropriate classes of nonlinear operators.
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- sglee@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32304호실
Matrix Theory, Combinatorial Matrix Theory, Numerical Linear Algebra, Math Modeling, Computational Math, 3D Printing, History of Math, Mobile Mathematics
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- 명예교수
- 정봉화
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- 명예교수 기하학
- 채영도
Differential Geometry