검색결과 (‘’에 대하여 전체 122건의 검색결과가 검색되었습니다.)
웹페이지 검색결과 16 records
- BK21 FOUR 교육연구단 <https://bk21four.skku.edu/mech/main/main.jsp> To cultivate creative talents at the master's and doctoral levels who can realize the creative economy and support the creation of new knowledge and technology based on creativity. * To foster "top-tier creative talents at the master's and doctoral levels" who will lead t..
- Graduate
- Course Policy for Graduate Co-op (2017.01.24) Categories of Graduate Co-op 1) EME5922 Graduate Co-op - Companies/Research Institutes: Domestic companies or research institutes 2) EME5923 Graduate Co-op - Global: Overseas companies, research institutes or universities. 3) EME5924 Graduate Co-op - Venture: Activities of preparing a new vent..
- Graduate
- Graduate Co-op
- To obtain a master's or doctoral degree, one must fulfill all the necessary requirements, including registration, completion of required credits, passing the qualification exam for submitting a thesis, and successfully passing the thesis evaluation. Curriculum Completion System (Until the 2020 academic year) 대학원 졸업요건표 Classificati..
- Graduate
- Graduate requirements
- For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog 교육과정 Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability BPC5006 Biochip Design and Fabrication 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 Biophysics English Yes The main objective of this course is to introduce the theoretical background and the ..
- Graduate
- Course details
- Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Curriculum: Until the 2020 academic year 대학원 교과과정표 Classification Multi-Convergence Design Track Eco-Energy Track Smart System Track Comple- mentary Courses Advanced Engineering Mathematics Experiments and Measurements Academic Writing and Research Ethics - Research Safety Training Cor..
- Graduate
- Curriculum
교수 검색결과 62 records
- Name : KANG, HYUN HO
- 소속 : Law School | Law School
- E-mail : kanghh@skku.edu
- Name : KO, DONG WON
- 소속 : Law School | Law School
- E-mail : dwko@skku.edu
- 소속 : Law School | Law School
- E-mail :
- Name : KWON, CHUL
- 소속 : Law School | Law School
- E-mail : kchfirst@skku.edu
- KIM, MIN HO 교수
- Name : KIM, MIN HO
- 소속 : Law School | Law School
- E-mail : mkim@skku.edu
게시판 검색결과 44 records
- Development of Advanced Concept Electronic Devices for THz Technology
- n recent years, numerous electronics engineers worldwide have been trying to develop new semiconductor heterostructure devices using atomically thin materials. Among the many devices that can fabricated using these materials are resonant tunnelling diodes, which typically consist of a quantum-well structure placed between two barrier laye..
- 2022.10.27
- 통합 관리자
- Community
- News
- Development of Advanced Concept Electronic Devices for THz Technology
- n recent years, numerous electronics engineers worldwide have been trying to develop new semiconductor heterostructure devices using atomically thin materials. Among the many devices that can fabricated using these materials are resonant tunnelling diodes, which typically consist of a quantum-well structure placed between two barrier laye..
- 2022.10.27
- 통합 관리자
- Research
- Research highlights
- Development of Advanced Concept Electronic Devices for THz Technology
- n recent years, numerous electronics engineers worldwide have been trying to develop new semiconductor heterostructure devices using atomically thin materials. Among the many devices that can fabricated using these materials are resonant tunnelling diodes, which typically consist of a quantum-well structure placed between two barrier laye..
- 2022.10.27
- 통합 관리자
- Student
- News
- Development of Advanced Concept Electronic Devices for THz Technology
- n recent years, numerous electronics engineers worldwide have been trying to develop new semiconductor heterostructure devices using atomically thin materials. Among the many devices that can fabricated using these materials are resonant tunnelling diodes, which typically consist of a quantum-well structure placed between two barrier laye..
- 2022.10.27
- 통합 관리자
- Student
- News
- Synthesis of liquid fuel and value-added chemicals directly from carbon dioxide, the main culprit of greenhouse gas
- Due to the industrial revolution using coal in the mid-18th century and the discovery of crude oil in the 19th century, humankind has made rapid progress by developing technologies to mass-produce cheap fuels and chemicals. Korea also ranks 5th in the world for its heavy chemical industry development strategy in the 1970s and has the 8th ..
- 2022.10.27
- 통합 관리자
- Community
- News