[학생실적] 임재은 연구원(지도교수 : 장병희 교수) 2024 한국경영정보학회 추계국제학술대회 최우수 논문상 수상
- 실감미디어공학과
- 조회수607
- 2024-11-25
지난 11월 15일(금), 서울대학교 경영대학에서 진행한 '2024 한국경영정보학회 추계국제학술대회'에서 임재은 연구원(지도교수 : 장병희 교수)께서 최우수 논문상을 수상하였습니다.
임재은 연구원이 발표한 논문 제목은 'Exploring the Effects of AI Communication Style and Cognitive Elaboration on Team Identification and Viability in Human-AI Teaming' 입니다.
초록은 아래와 같습니다.
Despite the increasing collaboration with human and AI to accomplish complex goals as a team, there still remains a research gap about which communication style facilitates team performance and team satisfaction in Human-AI Teaming (HAIT). However, communication styles of AI in human-AI teaming and their impacts on team effectiveness remain understudied. To address this issue, we aim to explore how AI communication style (AICS) and the user’s cognitive elaboration (CE) during the user of AI improve the outcomes of HAIT. Results from a 2 (AICS: social-oriented vs. task-oriented) X 2 (CE: mindful use vs. mindless use) between-subjects experiment with 89 participants show that interacting with social-oriented communication style of AI enhanced anthropomorphism, which led to team viability and team identification. In addition, combination of AICS and CE increased direct request and ultimately increased both team viability and team identification. Our study contributes to chatbot designs in teaming context by providing theoretical and practical implications to design appropriate communication style of AI. |
임재은 연구원의 수상을 축하합니다.
실감미디어공학과 행정실.