CBM(Combined Bachelor & Master) Program
The Combined Bachelor & Master Program is for students to take graduate courses combined with undergraduate courses. There are two types according to the graduation period of undergraduate school.
(Early graduation track and normal graduation track)
Type of Study Track
- Early Graduation Track : Early graduation of Bachelor’s degree (6 or 7semesters)+Graduate School (Master’s degree and Combined Master and Ph.D program)
- Normal Graduation Track: Graduation of Bachelor’s degree (8semesters)+Graduate School (Master’s degree and Combined Master and Ph.D program)
- Early Graduation Track: GPA over 3.50 of overall undergraduate grades
- Normal Graduation Track: GPA over 3.0 of overall undergraduate grades
How to Apply
- Submit 1 Copy of the Application Form to the Administrative Office of the Department which students wish to apply.
Selection Process and Number of Selected Students
- Selection Process : Recommendation by the dean of the graduate school
- Number of Selected Students: No limitation. All referred students are accepted, but there can be an additional selection process by the Office of Graduate School Affairs. (Those with low grades may be eliminated)
- Exemption of Undergraduate Thesis
- Exemption of Graduate School Admissions Process
- Allowed to take graduate school courses at the last semester of undergraduate school (Credits are accepted by both the graduate and undergraduate schools)
Taking Graduate Courses at the Last Semester of Undergraduate School
- Students in the last semester of undergraduate school can take can take up to 6 credits worth of Combined Master and Ph.D courses within the maximum credit limitations (9 credits for Professional Graduate School) and obtained credits are accepted by the undergraduate school. If a student enters graduate school right after graduation, the credits are accepted by the graduate school.
Please refer to the‘Advanced Placement Program’)
- Credit of graduate courses in international language are accepted only by the undergraduate school as international language course qualification. Graduate school’s credit qualification for international language courses must be obtained after entering graduate school.
Requirements and Change of Track
- To take an early graduation track, a student’s GPA must be over 3.5.
- If students who applied for the early graduation track cannot graduate within 6 or 7 semesters, the Combined Bachelor & Master program is cancelled, and they must apply for the normal graduation track in the next semester if they wish to continue the program.
- If students of the normal graduation track cannot graduate within 8 semesters, the Combined Bachelor & Master program is cancelled, and they must apply for the program again in the next semester.
Actions for Students Who Abandoned the Program
- Credits taken from graduate courses are not accepted by the graduate school, and are only admitted by the undergraduate school.
- Students must pass a graduation dissertation (or graduation test, practical presentation).
- Students must go through regular graduate school admission procedures.
- Students must return the scholarship they received for taking the program.