Superconductivity & Thin Fim Lab Link
Prof. Won Nam KANG
Research Interests
MgB2 and Iron-based superconducting thin films
Vortex dynamics in superconductors
2G MgB2 superconducting wire
New superconducting materials
Research Equipments & Tools
Pulsed Laser Deposition System
Hybrid Phisical Chemical Vapor Deposition System
X-ray diffractometerstem
Magnetic Property Measurement System
Statistical Physics Lab.Link
Prof. Beom Jun KIM
Research Interests
Critical phenomena in complex systems
Physics based study of society and economics
Dynamics of complex networks
Traffic flow and game theory
Research Methods
Computer simulation methods
Various analytic methods
(mean-field approximation, master equations)
Extreme Physical Science Lab. Link
Prof. Tuson PARK
Research Interests
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
Quantum Critical Phenomena
Emergent Quantum Phases near T = 0 K
Research Equipment & Tools
1 K He4 Pumping System
Closed Cycle Refrigerator (CCR)
Carver Press, Be/Cu Hybrid Cell, Diamond Anvil Cell
Semiconductor and Nano Application Lab. Link
Prof. Donggeun JUNG
Research Interests
Low dielectric constant materials
OLED, OSC, oxide-TFT
Research Equipment & Tools
Inductive coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition
Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD)
Atomic layer chemical vapor deposition (ALCVD)
Thermal evaporation
RF/DC magnetron sputtering
Epitaxial Complex Oxide Lab. Link
Prof. Woo Seok CHOI
Research Interests
Complex transition metal oxide thin films and heterostructures
Novel energy conversion and storage mechanisms
Emergent phenomena of strongly correlated systems
Coupling between lattice, charge, spin, and orbital
Research Equipment & Tools
Excimer Laser
Pulsed Laser Deposition Chamber
Condensed Matter Theory Lab. Link
Prof. Han-Yong CHOI
Research Interests
D-wave pairing mechanism of high temperature superconductivity
Interplay between superconductivity and magnetism
Research Methods
Eliashberg theory
Green’s function method
Numerical computations
Analysis of ARPES (angle resolved photo-emission spectroscop
Manybody Physics GroupLink
Prof. Jung Hoon HAN
Research Interests
Strongly-Correlated System
Bose-Einstein Condensate System
Condensed Matter Physics
Magnetic Material
Topological Condensed Matter Syste
Research Methods
Discovery of Skyrmion in Condensed Matter Physics
Research on interplay between the rotation
and the Rashba interaction in Bose-Einstein Condensate System
Rashba effect on the metallic Surface
Generating Skyrmion using the Current
Infrared Spectroscopy of Advanced Materials Lab. Link
Prof. Jungseek HWANG
Research Interests
High Temperature Superconductivity & Strongly Correlated Systems
Low Dimensional Electronic Material Systems
Electrochemical p-conjugated Polymers
Electromagnetic & Optical Metamaterials
Research Equipments & Tools
Bruker Vertex 80v FTIR-type Spectrometer
Bruker Hyperion 2000 Microscopic IR Spectrometer
Perkin-Elmer Lambda 950 Monochromatic Spectrometer
Low Temperature Measurement System
Spectral Range from FIR through UV
Solid state electronic structure calculation Lab. Link
Prof. Youngkuk KIM
Research Interests
Topological insulators/semimetals
Two-dimensional materials
Energy materials
Research Equipments & Tools
first-principles calculations
Topological Quantum Matter Lab. Link
Prof. KwangYoung CHOI
Research Interests
Quantum Magnetism
Topological Matter
Strongly correlated materials
Research Methods & Tools
Design and Synthesis of Quantum Materials
High Magnetic Field Experiments
Magnetic Resonances (ESR, NMR, μSR)
Raman and Neutron Scattering
Electronic structure control Lab Link
Prof. Byungmin SOHN
Research Interests
Heterostructures and thin films
Emergent phenomena in strongly correlated materials
Dimensionality dependent phenomena
Research Methods & Tools
Thin-film synthesis (Molecular beam epitaxy)
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Synchrotron-based techniques
Tuning transport properties