- 031-290-7048
- hychoi@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32359C호실
The research of my group is focused on the theory of high temperature superconductivity. A major topic is the pairing mechanism of the high Tc superconductivity. We have been working to determine the experimental constraints from high resolution ARPES data that any viable theory of high Tc superconductivity must satisfy. This will differentiate among many proposed ideas to settle the problem down. Other topics of my group are variations on the theme of high Tc superconductivity pairing interaction
- 031-290-7047
- swhong@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31304호실
핵반응, 핵구조, 중성자별, 빅백핵합성, 중성자 실험, 방사능 검출기 개발, 핵자료, 핵분열, 전산물리학, 원자로
- 031-290-7051
- yoonbai@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31305호실
Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
- 031-290-5904
- wnkang@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31153호실
Growth of superconducting thin films by a PLD (pulsed laser deposition) and a HPCVD (hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition) techniques and study of physical properties for superconductors such as cuprates superconductors, Fe-based superconductors, and MgB2 superconductors. By using PPMS (physical property measurement system) and MPMS ( magnetic property measurement system), we investigate vortex dynamics in the mixed states in the wide temperature ranges of 2-300 K and the magnetic field ranges up to 9 Tesla.
- 031-290-7050
- djung513@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31111A호실
Research on characteristics of materials and devices related with semiconductor, display and biointerface.
- 031-290-7052
- intaeyu@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31104호실
Particle Physics Experiment
- 031-299-4541
- beomjun@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31306A호실
Statistical physics, complex systems
- 031-290-5906
- djkang@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32360A호실
Growth and device applications of inorganic nanostructured materials / Development of novel flexible and wearable electronics / Development of nonconventional pattern transfer techniques / Growth and device applications of 2D atomic crystals / Power electronic device applications and physics of phase transition in VO2
- 031-290-5905
- hanjh@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32308호실
Theory of topological matter, Theory of photon-electron composite matter Theory of tensor network matter
- 031-299-4543
- tp8701@skku.edu
- 기초학문관51동 2층 51203호실
Superconductivity & novel quantum phases that emerge near T=0 K
- 031-290-5901
- jrahn@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31155A호실
그래핀, 2차원 양자 물질, 반도체, 인공지능
- 031-299-4545
- jungseek@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31151A호실
We use Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers and a monochromatic type optical spectrometer to cover a broad spectral range from far infrared (FIR) through ultraviolet (UV). We investigate low-lying (or intraband) optical excitations, characteristic collective modes including pure and hybrid phonon modes, and electronic (interband) transitions of various novel quantum material systems. The quantum material systems would be Unconventional superconductors: High-temperature superconductors (copper oxides and Fe-pnictides) and heavy fermion systems Strongly Correlated electron systems: bulk d- or f- electron systems and 3d transition metal oxide superlattice systems Low-dimensional system: graphene, graphite, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD), copper thin films etc. Photovoltaic materials: organic solar cells. We also would like to contribute other research areas of science such as astrophysics by sharing my spectroscopy technique and knowledge through close collaborations.
- 031-299-4544
- sunghapark@skku.edu
- 기초학문관51동 1층 51101B호실
The Lab is focused on the experimental bio and nano sciences including but not limited to the followings; Structural DNA Nanotechnology, DNA Machine and Replicator, DNA Algorithm and DNA Computer, and DNA Device and DNA Sensor.
- 031-290-5902
- carsten.rott@gmail.com
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31109호실
My main research focus is on indirect searches for dark matter, neutrino property measurements, and particle geophysics. I am an experimentalist and member of the IceCube Neutrino Telescope Collaboration, where I lead searches for physics beyond the standard model. My group is developing a novel camera based calibration system and new sensor modules for next generation neutrino detectors.
- 부교수 핵물리학
- 채경육
- 031-299-4547
- kchae@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32307B호실
I am primarily interested in the study of astrophysically-important nuclei and nuclear reactions using radioactive heavy ion beams. More specifically, significant fraction of my research has focused on the measurement of charged-particle induced reactions relevant to nucleosynthesis in explosive stars such as novae, X-ray bursts, and supernovae. Most of my research have been carried out at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. Significant amount of effort is also made to develop target and detector systems for the RAON, the future facility currently underbuilt in Korea.
- 031-290-5903
- choiws@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31110호실
Discovering and understanding novel physical phenomena in solids by fabricating and characterizing epitaxial complex oxide heterostructures for opto-electronic, energy, and environmental applications
- 부교수 핵물리실험
- 김범규
- 031-290-7053
- kimbyumkyu@skku.edu
- 부교수 고체물리학
- 김영국
- 031-299-4542
- youngkuk@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 2층 31201A호실
응집물질물리이론, 제일원리계산, 위상 밴드 이론, 위상 물질, 낮은 차원 물질, 강상관 물질, 에너지 물질
- 조교수 고에너지 천체물리
- 노창동
- 031-290-7043
- cdr397@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32357호실
감마선 천체물리, 천체입자물리 실험, HAWC, SWGO, 쌍성계
- 031-290-5900
- bsohn@skku.edu
- 제2과학관32동 3층 32310B호실
Thin film growth | Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
- 부교수 Biophysics
- 유제중
- 031-290-7049
- jejoong@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 2층 31202호실
- 031-290-7042
- khlee54@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31108A호실
중력파 검출기 | Gravitational Wave Detector Science 다중신호천문학 | Multi-messenger Astronomy 분자구조 분석 | Atomic Structure Characterization 광학적 성질 분석 | Optical Property Characterization 서스펜션 기술개발 | Suspension Structure Development
- 조교수 입자물리실험
- 이명재
- 031-290-7054
- myeongjaelee@skku.edu
타우 및 뮤온 경입자 flavor violation, 초고에너지 우주선 및 암흑물질 실험, 입자 검출기용 전자기기 개발
- 교수 나노/반도체물리실험
- 차승남
- 031-299-4546
- chasn@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 1층 31102A호실
Nano/Semiconductor Materials & Devices
- 교수 응집물리
- 최광용
양자 자성체, 위상물리, 강상관계, 마요라나 페르미온, 스핀액체
- 부교수 입자물리학
- 최기영
- 031-290-5907
- kiyoungchoi@skku.edu
- 제1과학관31동 3층 31301A호실
입자천체물리학 및 우주론: 우주의 팽창과 암흑물질 탐색 연구