Institute for Cross-disciplinary Studies (ICS) - Applied AI Convergence

  • Assistant Professor Management

Journal Articles

  • (2022)  Impacts of customer incivility and abusive supervision on employee performance: A comparative study of the pre-and post-COVID-19 periods.  SERVICE BUSINESS.  16,  2
  • (2022)  Customer incivility and employee outcomes in the new service marketplace.  JOURNAL OF SERVICES MARKETING.  36,  4
  • (2022)  How and when does job crafting contribute to franchised restaurant managers' service performance? The moderation of headquarter control systems.  JOURNAL OF SERVICE THEORY AND PRACTICE.  32,  3
  • (2021)  Emotional exhaustion among the South Korean workforce before and after COVID‐19.  PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY-THEORY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE.  94,  2
  • (2020)  How managers’ job crafting reduces turnover intention: The mediating roles of role ambiguity and emotional exhaustion.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH.  17,  11