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- +82-31-290-7449
- choihyoukryeol@gmail.com
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21327
[Research Interest]
In-pipe robot Quadruped Walking Robot Dexterous Manipulation & Robot Hand Surgical robot system with Tactile sensor Coanda UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Artificial Muscle Actuator Flexible Tactile/Proximity Sensor 6-aixs Force/Torque sensor, Torque sensor
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- +82-31-290-7454
- jckoo@skku.edu
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21303
[Research Interest]
Design, Modeling, and Analysis of Dynamic Systems Robotics and Mechatronics Sensors and Actuators
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- Professor
- +82-31-299-4864
- jonghyunkim@skku.edu
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21311
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- +82-31-299-4842
- hyungpil at skku dot edu
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21321
[Research Interest]
Robotic manipulation Autonomous vehicle/mobile robot Sensor and actuators Robotic applications of machine learning
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- +82-31-299-4860
- rodrigue@skku.edu
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21315
[Research Interest]
Soft robotics and actuation Smart material-based actuation Pneumatic and fluiding actuation Manufacturing and 3D printing of polymer parts
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- +82-31-290-7467
- sangwonl@skku.edu
[Research Interest]
Smart Manufacturing and Smart Factory Environmentally-friendly Manufacturing and 3D Printing Interdisciplinary Design Education
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- Associate Professor
- +82-31-299-4861
- e.h.lee@skku.edu
- Engineering 1 (23) 3F 23314
[Research Interest]
Intelligent manufacturing system AI-assisted design/Design automation E-mobility Multiphysics system design/Computational analysis Semiconductor manufacturing/reliability
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- +82-31-290-7464
- hsh0818@skku.edu
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21307
[Research Interest]
- Autonomous Vehicles: Perception/Decision/Control Algorithm - Eco-Friendly Vehicles(HEV/PHEV/EV): Powertrain/Regenerative Braking Control - Automotive Mechatronics System: Electronically Controlled Chassis System - Hydraulic Control System, Construction Equipment
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- Assistant Professor Advanced Mobility, Robotics
- +82-31-290-7440
- kyunam.kim@skku.edu
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21337
[Research Interest]
Advanced Air Mobility Urban Air Mobility Regional Air Mobility Advanced Mobile Robots Autonomous Flight & Driving
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- +82-31-290-7137
- tykuc@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 7F 85770
[Research Interest]
Intelligent Robotics and Intelligent Control Learning and Adaptation Algorithms for Intelligent Systems Intelligent Robotic System Architecture & SI Multi-robot Coordination and Control
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- +82-31-290-7955
- epark@skku.edu
[Research Interest]
Machine Learning, Computer Vision
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- +82-31-290-7153
- jtshin@skku.edu
- Engineering 1 (23) 5F 23524
[Research Interest]
Deep Learning Algorithm Image/Video Signal Processing Medical Image Processing and System Image/Video Communication and System
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- Professor Robotics
- +82-31-290-7129
- jwjeon@skku.edu
- Semiconductor Building 5F 400532
[Research Interest]
Recognition based on Deep Learning Architecture of Real Time Vision System Automotive ECU (Electronic Control Unit) & Network Intelligent Robot Controller Motion Controller
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- +82-31-290-7593
- dikwon@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 4F 27404B
[Research Interest]
Prognostics and Health Management
- Smart IoT Sensors
- Additive Manufacturing Reliability
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- Professor Robotics
- +82-31-299-4925
- mtchoi@skku.edu
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21333
[Research Interest]
Robot learning, artificial intelligence, big data analysis, bioinformatics
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- +82-31-290-7965
- jaepilheo@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85472
[Research Interest]
Large-Scale Image Search Similarity Search for High-Dimensional Data Object Detection and Recognition Automatic Image Tagging Collision Detection
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- Assistant Professor 3D Printing
- brianjlee@skku.edu
- Engineering Building 1 (21) 3F 21331
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- +82-31-290-7603
- sdnoh@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 4F 27420B
[Research Interest]
Modeling, Analysis and Integration of Manufacturing System, CAD/CAM, DM/PLM, Smart Manufacturing, CPS/Digital Twin
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- +82-31-290-7142
- jhyi@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 7F 85762
[Research Interest]
2D/3D Object Category Recognition 2D/3D Face Processing/Recognition Vision Based Human Computer Interaction Using RGB-D Cameras
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- hwyu@skku.edu
- Engineering 1 (23) 3F 23338
[Research Interest]
Robot Perception, SLAM, Semantic Scene Understanding, Generative Model, Zero-shot Learning, Exploration, Navigation, Locomotion, 3D Neural Fields