2019 2nd-term Preliminary & Final Defense Application
- Hit6983
- 2019-10-04
- 예비심사원 석사_Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis.hwp
- 본심사원 석사_Application for the Final Defense of the Thesis(M.S.).hwp
- 예비심사원 박사_Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis(M.S.).hwp
- 본심사원 박사_Final Evaluation of the Thesis(Ph.D).hwp
2019 2nd-term Preliminary & Final Defense Application
We would like to inform you of application period of the Preliminary & Final Defense as below.
Please submit the application form within the period.
▮ Period: October 21 (Mon.) ~ October 28 (Mon.)
▮ Application form: download from Documents-SAINT website or
take it in front of SAINT office.
▮ For more information, contact SAINT office
2019-2학기 예비심사&본심사 접수안내
2019학년도 학사일정에 따른 예비심사/본심사 접수기간을
아래와 같이 안내합니다.
해당되는 학생은 기간 내에 접수하시기 바랍니다.
▮접수기간: 2019. 10. 21 (월) ~ 10. 28 (월)
▮신청서양식: SAINT 홈페이지-Documents 혹은 SAINT 행정실양식함
▮안내: SAINT 행정실
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