[교수동정] “2024년 11월 신임교원 동정”
- 반도체융합공학과
- 조회수923
- 2024-12-09
2024학년도 반도체융합공학과 신임교원

신원준 교수는 서울대학교 전기정보공학부 학사 및 박사 취득, 이후 서울대학교 반도체공동연구소 박사후 연구원 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics 박사후연구원, visiting scientist를 거쳐 성균관대학교 반도체융합공학과에 2024년 11월 부임하였다.
연구분야는 실리콘 반도체 및 차세대 반도체 재료 및 소자 개발을 통한 높은 신뢰성 및 성능을 가지는 차세대 센싱 및 컴퓨팅 플랫폼 개발을 위한 연구를 진행하고 있다.
▶ 반도체 재료 및 소자, 강유전체, 가스센서, 저주파 잡음 분석
관심 분야
▶ 반도체 재료 개발 및 소자 공정, 강유전체 기반 로직 및 메모리 소자, 반도체 기반 센서, 뉴로모픽 컴퓨팅, M3D 집적
3. 연구실적
국제 학술지 논문
1. A New Back‐End‐Of‐Line Ferroelectric Field‐Effect Transistor Platform via Laser Processing. Small, 2406376 (2024).
2. Polarization Pruning: Reliability Enhancement of Hafnia‐Based Ferroelectric Devices for Memory and Neuromorphic Computing. Advanced Science, 11(43), 2407729 (2024).
3. Random Number Generators and Spiking Neurons from Metal Oxide/Small Molecules Heterojunction N‐Shape Switching Transistors. Advanced Functional Materials, 2411348 (2024)
4. Analog reservoir computing via ferroelectric mixed phase boundary transistors. Nature Communications, 15(1), 9147 (2024).
5. Toward Ideal Low‐Frequency Noise in Monolayer CVD MoS2 FETs: Influence of van der Waals Junctions and Sulfur Vacancy Management. Advanced Science, 2307196 (2024).
6. Charge Transport Advancement in Anti‐Ambipolar Transistors: Spatially Separating Layer Sandwiched between N‐Type Metal Oxides and P‐Type Small Molecules. Advanced Functional Materials, 2316217 (2024).
7. Self‐Curable Synaptic Ferroelectric FET Arrays for Neuromorphic Convolutional Neural Network. Advanced Science, 10(15), 2207661 (2023).
8. In‐memory‐computed low‐frequency noise spectroscopy for selective gas detection using a reducible metal oxide. Advanced Science, 10(7), 2205725 (2023).
9. Unveiling resistance switching mechanisms in undoped HfOx ferroelectric tunnel junction using low-frequency noise spectroscopy. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 44(2), 345-348 (2022).
10. Synergistic improvement of sensing performance in ferroelectric transistor gas sensors using remnant polarization. Materials Horizons, 9(6), 1623-1630 (2022).
국제 컨퍼런스
1. First Demonstration of Innovative 3D AND-Type Fully-Parallel Convolution Block with Ultra-High Area-and Energy-Efficiency. In 2023 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) (pp. 1-4). IEEE (2023, December).
2. Innovative Gas Sensing Method Using Transient Behavior of FET-type Sensors with Gate Pulse Input. In 2022 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) (pp. 31-2). IEEE (2022, December).
3. Efficient improvement of sensing performance using charge storage engineering in low noise FET-type gas sensors. In 2020 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) (pp. 35-3). IEEE (2020, December).
4. Highly Sensitive Amplifier Circuit Consisting of Complementary pFET-type and Resistor-type Gas Sensors. In 2020 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) (pp. 26-5) IEEE. (2020, December).
5. Efficient integration of Si FET-type gas sensors and barometric pressure sensors on the same substrate. In 2019 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) (pp. 26-4) IEEE. (2019, December).
국제 특허
1. Method of initializing and programming 3D non-volatile memory device, United States Patent registered No. 17 736,988