[행사/세미나] 제 18회 소셜이노베이션 해외학자 초청 집중 특강
- 소셜이노베이션융합전공
- 조회수1115
- 2024-05-02
성균관대학교 소셜이노베이션융합전공에서 University of Southern Denmark의 Martin Lindhardt 교수님을 모시고 해외학자 초청 집중 특강을 진행합니다.
강의는 총 2시간으로, 1시간 30분은 덴마크 농촌 지역에서의 노인과 사회참여에 대해서 세미나 진행해 주시고, 나머지 30분은 대학원생을 위한 professional development에 대한 시간을 갖습니다. 관심 있으신 학우 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다:)
<“Out Here we Help Each Other but We Don’t Interfere in Each Other’s Life”>
-Aging, Autonomy, and civil participation in rural Denmark.-
일시: 2024년 5월 14일 (화) 오후 3시 ~ 오후 5시
장소: 수선관 61901호 (사회과학연구원 컨퍼런스룸)
구성: 15시~16시 30분까지는 강연, 16시 30분부터 17시까지는 대학원생을 위한 professional development 세션
구성: 15시~16시 30분까지는 강연, 16시 30분부터 17시까지는 대학원생을 위한 professional development 세션
연사 소개: Martin Lindhardt
Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
Institute for Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics
Institute for Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics
강연 내용:
This talk explores how senior citizens in rural areas in southern Denmark navigate between an explicit ideal of autonomy, or of not being a burden to others, and an equally explicit ideal of helping others and being visible through different kinds of civil participation.
Senior citizens who were interviewed for a research project on old age in rural Denmark expressed a certain stoic pride in not being dependent upon others. This was reflected in very low expectations to political solutions to infrastructural challenges, in the importance they attributed to a local grocery store, widely seen as instrumental for the survival and autonomy of villages, and finally in a repeated insistence that one should not be a burden to family members or friends. At the same time respondents unanimously emphasized that the community and the fact that people knew each other was the greatest benefit of living in rural areas/small villages.
Respondents also took a notable pride in their own contributions to local community, mainly through different kinds of voluntary work. In the talk I draw on theory on place attachment and on different kinds of recognition as I explore how the struggle to maintain autonomy while at the same time being an active contributor to sustaining local communities enable senior citizens to maintain stable and locally anchored identities in a life phase that is characterized by different kinds of change.
Senior citizens who were interviewed for a research project on old age in rural Denmark expressed a certain stoic pride in not being dependent upon others. This was reflected in very low expectations to political solutions to infrastructural challenges, in the importance they attributed to a local grocery store, widely seen as instrumental for the survival and autonomy of villages, and finally in a repeated insistence that one should not be a burden to family members or friends. At the same time respondents unanimously emphasized that the community and the fact that people knew each other was the greatest benefit of living in rural areas/small villages.
Respondents also took a notable pride in their own contributions to local community, mainly through different kinds of voluntary work. In the talk I draw on theory on place attachment and on different kinds of recognition as I explore how the struggle to maintain autonomy while at the same time being an active contributor to sustaining local communities enable senior citizens to maintain stable and locally anchored identities in a life phase that is characterized by different kinds of change.
- 다음글
- 2024년도 춘계학술세미나