Chemistry plays a pivotal role in today's high - tecnology endeavors, such as medical, semicon-ductor, and automobile industry. Material's chemical also controle every physiological function of living creatures.
Chemical substances controlling physiological phenomena, that is, medicine, are achieved based on a mechanism resulted from the coordination in the sophisticated 3-dimensional molecular world. Therefore, from aspirin to the anticancer drug, Glivec, numerous biologically active substances have been developed based on efficient chemical conversion and reasonable molecular designs on the ground of the understanding of chemical action.
The development of electronics industry is closely related to the development of electronic materials. Moreover, light emitting material is also dependent upon very small chemical substances’ properties. The pivot of such development lies in molecular design. In addition, chemistry also plays an essential role in superconducting materials and nanotechnology of biologically active and functional organic and inorganic substances.
More advanced chemical industrial structure would be realized when the fundamental technologies of businesses in need of creative research results are combined based on the understanding of the basic chemical area so that mutually complimentary research is performed in multiple dimensions. In chemistry, for this reason, it becomes increasingly important to pursue education and research activities by including from the basics to cutting-edge sectors beyond simple chemistry just as a basic discipline. Furthermore, social demand for chemistry has also expanded.
From this perspective, the Department of Chemistry of Sungkyunkwan University is committed to sustained efforts to cultivate high-level specialized personnel in diverse areas to serve as the foundation for the national scientific technology advancement and implement key national scientific technology tasks and policies with the aim at elevated research capability as a world-class research institution. The Department will also secure a status as a globally competitive research institution by setting up practical research development goals and systems along with the execution plans; and play the role of giving back to society the key future resource of specialized talent.
Chair, Department of Chemistry Young DoK Kim