

Molecular designing in carbon-based nanomaterials and their catalytic and optical applications

  • POSTED DATE : 2020-10-05
  • WRITER : 화학과
  • HIT : 3513
  • DATE : 2020년 10월 6일(화)
  • PLACE : WebEx

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제  목 : Molecular designing in carbon-based nanomaterials and their catalytic and optical applications
연  사 : 박성진 교수(인하대학교)
일  시 : 2020년 10월 6일(화) 오후 4시 30분


방번호: 573 338 453




Molecular designing in carbon-based nanomaterials and their catalytic and optical applications


Sungjin Park*


1Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 22212, Korea




The generation of molecularly dispersed active species on the surface of carbon-based network enables to utilize advantages of molecular catalysts as well as to extremely expose active species without aggregation at the surface. In the first part of this presentation, I will discuss my recent research activities on this concept. Novel hybrids were generated by the reaction of Co-containing organometallic molecules and carbon-based materials. 


Three dimensional (3D) carbon nitrides (C3N4), which are also referred to as graphitic or polymeric C3N4, have attracted intense research interest because of their visible-light active, fluorescent, biocompatible, and catalytically active properties. In the second part of this presentation, the use of carbon nitride-based materials as photocatalysts and light-emitting materials will be discussed.