

Multiscale-design of membrane-electrode-assembly for fuel cells and water electrolysis

  • POSTED DATE : 2021-11-24
  • WRITER : 화학과
  • HIT : 3042
  • DATE : 2021년 11월 25일(목) 오후 4시 30분
  • PLACE : Webex

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제  목 : Multiscale-design of membrane-electrode-assembly for fuel cells and water electrolysis

연  사 : 김희탁 교수(KAIST)

일  시 : 2021년 11월 25일(목) 오후 4시 30분


방번호: 170 974 2739



Multiscale-design of membrane-electrode-assembly
for fuel cells and water electrolysis

Hee-Tak Kim,
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST

As the demand for renewable energy and zero-emission power source continue to increase, fuel cell and hydrogen technology are deemed to be an appropriate way to meet the demand. In this regard, high performance fuel cell or water electrolysis system based on polymer electrolyte membrane has received great attention. Membrane electrode assembly, which is a unit cell of fuel cell or water electrolysis, determines the performances and durability of the devices. Despite intensive works on materials including catalysts and membranes, the state-of-art membrane electrode assemblies do not fully meet the critical requirements for mass commercialization, which requires novel strategies except material developments. In this seminar, various multi-scale designs of membrane electrode assembly are reported. Special focus will be made on the control of catalyst/electrolyte interface and membrane/catalyst layer interface to improve the performances and durability. These examples highlight the efficacy of combining electrochemical engineering, fabrication technology, and simulation in the development of advanced electrochemical devices.