

[세미나공지] 5월 14일(목)

  • POSTED DATE : 2015-05-08
  • WRITER : 관리자
  • HIT : 2783
  • DATE : 2015-05-14
  • PLACE : 화학관 330226호


다음주 목요일(5월 14일) 정규세미나 진행됩니다.               

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제  목 : Observation and Analysis of Stochastic Iridium Oxide (IrOx) Single Nanoparticle Collisions on Ultramicroelectrode

연  사 : 권성중 교수님 (건국대학교) 

일  시 : 2015년 5월 14일 (목) 오후 4시 30분

장  소 : 화학관 세미나실 (330226호실)



Observation and Analysis of Stochastic Iridium Oxide (IrOx) Single Nanoparticle Collisions on Ultramicroelectrode

   We describe the electrochemical detection of single iridium oxide nanoparticle (IrOx NP) collision at a less catalytic electrode surface such as the NaBH4-treated Pt or the bare Au. We could observe the single NP collision through the enhanced current by electrocatalytic redox recycling. The overall current transient consists of repeated current spikes, superimposed on a current decay to reach a steady-state value. The current responses were caused by random individual events as a function of time rather than the usual continuous current caused by an ensemble of a large number of events. The height and frequency of the peak current are proportional to the applied potential and the particle concentration. The current is very sensitive to the material and surface state of the measuring electrode.