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Studies of Policy, Institution, and Social Theories through Culture Gene



This research cluster aims at discovering culture gene of Korean society and developing its measurement tools. Next stage research will focus on empirically analyzing social phenomena of Korean society and thereby contributing to the reconstruction of social theories.


Research Purpose

First two years of research has been devoted to discovering Korea's culture gene that can be scientifically theorized as fundamental factors influencing individual behaviors and social institutions. Study of Korean culture gene is expected to be useful in understanding fundamental characteristics of Korean society and is likely to be diffused to many areas of social science. Practically, this study can lead to more effective policy making and good governance. In particular, this study is expected to highlight Korea's cultural identity that has been regarded as part of the China-or the Japan-centered East Asian culture.


Organizational Structure
Organizational Structure
Position   Name
Chief(Prof.) Graduate School of Governance Sook-jung, Lee
Co-Researcher(Prof.) Graduate School of Governance Min-Bong, You
The school of Confucian and oriental studies Seong-Ki, Kim
Cambridge Charles Hampdan-Turdner
Co-Researcher(Prof.) Graduate School of Governance Hyung-In, Shim
Graduate School of Governance Heide, Yang
Graduate School of Governance Byung-Il, Ahn
Graduate School of Governance Sang-Joon, Shin
The school of Confucian and Oriental Studies Shin-Hee, Kim


  • Published Article

    Min-bong You and Hyung-in Shim.(2011). Developing a Scale for Measuring Face Sensitivity Perceived by Korean Public Servants. Korean Journal of Public Administration. 45(3):335-364

  • Presented Article

    Min-bong You and Hyung-in Shim.(2011). Developing Scales for Face Sensitivity and Face Saving Behavior, and Examining their Structural Relationship. International Conference on Public Administration.

  • Book Chapter

    Sook-jong Lee.(2011). Role of Japan in East Asian Regionalism in Japan and East Asia: Regional Cooperation and the Community Idea, East Asia Institute.