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  • Introduction




The Institute of Leadership and Public Management(loLPM) was established to create new values for our society through researching leadership and public management as well as providing education and consulting for them. To achieve these goals, loLPM performs the following activities:


  • Developing leadership theory in Korean context and providing practical leadership knowledge
  • Running leadership programs for undergraduate students of SungKyungKwan University(SKKU)
  • Organizing and examining theories, institutions, and conditions related to public services
  • Developing theories and education programs regarding a network-oriented 'collaborative public management'
  • Developing conflict management manuals and providing conflict management consulting
  • Bench marking advanced conflict management theory and pracitce



July,2009 Establishment of loLPM / Prof. Min-Bong You was appointed as the chief of loLPM
February,2002 Establishment of the public enterprise policy program
September,2010 Social Sciences Korea(SSK): research project(project manager:prof,Suk-jong Lee)
July,2011 Prof, Min-Bong You was re-appointed as the chief of loLPM
September,2011 Social Sciences Korea(SSK): research project(project manager:prof,Myungsuk Lee)
July,2012 Prof,Myungsuk Lee was appointed as the chief of loLPM


Organization Chart

Organization Chart Image
